Chapter 116 Mu Xingzhou's doubts

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Fu Mingyou hugged each other and smiled, chatted with his husband for a while, handed the small dumplings in his arms to Xia Yanxi, and went directly to the study to look at the envelope Mu Xingzhou gave him.

    When Mu Xingzhou opened it, he found that Mu Xingzhou asked him about the auction. After all, Mu Xingzhou was a big businessman in the capital. Of course, he received an invitation from Fu Mingyou, although the invitation said Very clear, but I still want to ask what is the specific situation.

    The road conditions in the capital are definitely better, but the road conditions in the official roads and other places are not very good at this time, so this cement road must be very necessary.

    Now Fu Mingyou knows the content of this letter, but now is not the time, just to rest tomorrow, he can go directly to Mu's house to find the other party.

    However, he also guessed what Fu Mingyou was looking for. It was probably for the auction. The other party might not be able to pay attention, otherwise he would not be looking for him.

    "Xiang Gong, it's time to eat."

    Xia Yanxi said with a smile to Fu Mingyou, holding the small glutinous rice balls.

    Fu Mingyou nodded and walked out of the study: "Okay, here we go." The

    family had dinner, and then the husband and his wife took the small dumplings in the yard.

    The next day, Fu Mingyou went straight to Mu Xingzhou after having breakfast. Now Fu Mingyou is a small official, and he has a very good relationship with the Mu family, so when the concierge saw Fu Mingyou, he immediately smiled. Go in to meet the opponent.

    Fu Mingyou smiled and nodded, and said, "Can Xingzhou be at home?"

    Since the other party was curious about the auction, of course he would also talk to the other party. Although he is not a serious official, but there is nothing, so we can talk about it.

    The porter responded with a smile: "Master Fu is here, Master is at home."

    In fact, Mu Xingzhou had already told the porter before that if Fu Mingyou came to him, he would just take him directly to him.

    Fu Mingyou followed behind the concierge and went directly to Mu Xingzhou.

    "Mingyou, you're here, sit down."

    Mu Xingzhou was making calculations, and when he saw Fu Mingyou, he immediately greeted him.

    Fu Mingyou walked over with a smile, and then saw that the other party was planning a game, and suddenly remembered what he had forgotten before.

    Although the abacus is a very common tool for calculating accounts in ancient times, it is still very difficult for those who do not know how to calculate accounts, but the numbers are still very simple. Anyway, it is much more convenient than this abacus.

    "Mingyou, the invitation you gave me before, are you going to auction the things in the palace or together with the road section?"

    Mu Xingzhou poured him a glass of water and asked curiously.

    Fu Fu Mingyou smiled and said, "Of course the two were auctioned together, and the two should be auctioned crosswise. Why do you want to auction these when you are in a boat?"

    For the Mu family, the emperor's reward It should be quite a lot. The other party may not need to auction this aspect, so the other party wants to buy the road section.

    Hearing this, Mu Xingzhou couldn't help but smile, and said: "Of course, I know you, you are a good businessman, this thing will definitely be very useful in the future, how about it? Do you want to follow me? Tell me?"

[MTL] After crossing, I spoil my husband  Author: Hua Zhiqing  Where stories live. Discover now