Chapter 72 Good news home

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At this time, Xu's father and Xu's mother, who were busy in the shop in Linshui Town, were shocked when they saw that someone suddenly came to deliver the good news, and then came joy.

    "A big happy event." Xia Liren stretched out his hand and patted his father Xu, who was beside him, and immediately sorted out the shop: "Sir, please take care of the leaks from the small shop."

    With that, Xia Liren shoved the three taels of silver in his hand to the other side . , said with a smile.

    The person who delivered the letter smiled and said, "You are very polite, sir."

    It was also his blessing to be able to send a good news to Xie Yuan, who was also the first place.

    The person who was eating for the day looked at the person who delivered the letter and discussed excitedly.

    "Boss Xu, congratulations."

    "Congratulations, Boss Xu, you can wait and enjoy your happiness in the future."

    "My God, I suddenly remembered, didn't we eat the skewers made by Xiucai Gong?"

    "I knew I would have offered that bowl."

    Everyone was talking, and Xu's father and Xu's mother were also very happy.

    Xia Liren also followed the sender to inquire: "Are there any other candidates in Linshui Town?"

    "Yes, there are some scholars named Fu in Xiajia Village who also passed the exam." The

    sender immediately Said, Xia Liren on the side heard this and was even more happy.

    Today is a big day. Father Xu and Xia Liren discussed it and then closed the door and went home.

    Now that the good news has been delivered to the door, Fu Mingyou and Xu You'an must be going home soon.

    "Master, am I dreaming?"

    Mother Xu asked in disbelief with the good news in her hand.

    Xu Xiaomei on the side smiled and said, "Mother, you are not dreaming, my brother is a scholar, and he is the first."

    Xu Xiaomei is really proud of having such a big brother. Her own brother is amazing.

    "My son, it's really good, let's go back quickly, You'an may be home soon."

    Father Xu was also very excited, and their life at home will get better and better in the future.

    The family rushed towards the house, and Fu Mingyou and Xu You'an also quickly rushed towards Linshui Town.

    When Xia Liren returned home, Fu Mingyou's house was surrounded by many people, and Xia Yanxi tried her best to cheer up and greet the people in the village.

    "Father, mother, you are here."

    When Xia Yanxi saw her father and mother, she was about to cry with joy. God, his father and mother finally came back, and he was exhausted.

    Mother Xia could see the other person's thoughts at a glance, she couldn't help but smiled, and supported him and said, "Thank you everyone, Xiao Fu hasn't come back yet. When Xiao Fu comes back, I will invite everyone to drink."

    Now so many people are here It's not a problem here, Fu Mingyou hasn't come back yet, wait until the other party comes back, and then discuss the matter of the banquet.

    Everyone smiled, chatted a few words, and then left directly.

    if they were here. It's not good if you annoy them.

[MTL] After crossing, I spoil my husband  Author: Hua Zhiqing  Where stories live. Discover now