Chapter 27 Good wine and good food

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After entering the deep mountains, Fu Mingyou has been following Murray's side.

    Murray and the other's brother were both good hunters. Fu Mingyou was an amateur at best. He knew his position very well, and he always followed Murray's words.

    "Boss, there is a silly roe deer over there."

    Li Fang saw a roe deer not far away with sharp eyes, and immediately said to Murray.

    Murray nodded and said directly: "The meat of the roe deer is good, brother Fu, how about this?"

    Fu Mingyou nodded directly and said, "Yes."

    The meat of the roe deer is tender and delicious, no worse than pork.

    Silly roe deer is stupid, so Murray directly picked up the slingshot and nailed it directly into the opponent's forehead.

    Fu Mingyou looked at the blood hole in Roe deer's forehead, and raised his eyebrows. Murray's strength is really strong.

    Murray took the initiative to put the roe deer into Fu Mingyou's back basket and said, "The main purpose of today is to help you get the next game. This roe deer is not bad. What else do you need for another wild boar?

    " , of course, the more the better.

    However, Fu Mingyou also considered other things and said, "One wild boar is enough."

    If it is too eye-catching, it is not very good. After he and Xia Yanxi get married, he can come as he wants.

    Murray nodded and directly asked the three to look for the trace of the wild boar.

    Fu Mingyou knew Murray's plan, and nodded in agreement. In this deep mountain, you still need to pay attention, and the three of Li Fang are all trainers, but they are much better than him.

    After about a cup of tea, Mu Han came back directly, blowing the leaves in his hands, and the other two came back after a while.

    "Boss, in the southwest direction, there is a good wild boar."

    Mu Han jumped down from the tree and said to Murray.

    Murray nodded and said, "Go, go directly."

    Fu Mingyou followed behind everyone and walked in the direction of the wild boar.

    It didn't take long for them to see a very strong fat pig.

    "It's a good wild boar."

    Fu Mingyou nodded and said with a smile.

    Murray directly took out the crossbow in his hand, which was what Fu Mingyou gave him yesterday.

    Aiming directly at the wild boar's forehead, as soon as Murray snapped his fingers, the arrow directly inserted into the wild boar's forehead.

    The severe pain made the wild boar whimper a few times on the spot, and after a while, he directly swallowed.

    "This wild boar is big and fat."

    Fu Mingyou stepped forward to look at it, smiled, and said, "Thank you, Brother Mu."

    For Murray, hunting may be a very simple time. But for Fu Mingyou, it was a troublesome thing.

    It's not that hunting itself is troublesome, but that he is very good at hunting and it is troublesome.

    With the help of everyone, the wild boar was carried directly into Fu Mingyou's house.

    When they met the villagers, Fu Mingyou just asked Murray and the others to help hunt.

    In this way, Murray understood why the other party invited him to hunt.

    Because the name is right.

    Fu Mingyou drew water to let everyone wash up, and then came to tea and cakes.

    "Brother Mu, don't be polite, just eat it at my house at noon, just to taste the taste of this roe deer."

    A wild boar can be used for hiring.

    The roe deer and the others can taste it by themselves, and they can't finish it. Fu Mingyou plans to send the rest to the Xia family at night.

    "Xiao Fu, can you still cook?"

    Mu Han was a little surprised when he heard Fu Mingyou's words.

    Now it's not bad that men can cook. Gentlemen are far away from cooking. Even men in rural areas rarely know how to cook.

    Fu Mingyou smiled and said, "I used to do it for a while to survive, and I can barely enter it. Everyone, please don't despise my craftsmanship.

    " Chefs have been learning for a while.

    "Haha, then I'll set the fire."

    Chen Xia smiled and said immediately.

    Although they can't cook, they can still make fire.

    Fu Mingyou did not refuse, and it was almost time to eat at this time.

    Fu Mingyou didn't let them fight, they all came by himself. Murray was also a little surprised that Fu Mingyou could cook, and looked at the other party's cooking with a little curiosity.

    Fu Mingyou's cooking method is somewhat different from that of ordinary people.

    The oil and salt condiments are all very willing. Of course, this meal is very fragrant.

The oil and salt condiments are all very willing. Of course, this meal is very fragrant.

    Because there were outsiders, Fu Mingyou only used lard. If he was alone, he would definitely be using something from his own plane system.

    Although lard is not very tasty, the taste is similar when cooking.

    At noon, six dishes and one soup came out of the pot.

    "Come on, I'll pour some wine." Fu Mingyou poured a glass from the small wooden barrel and said with a smile, "I bought this from a wandering merchant. It tastes pretty good, but it's a pity that I After going to town the next day, the other party is no longer there."

    The wine he prepared was still his supplies, and the degree of alcohol was not very high, about twenty degrees, but for ancient wine, it was too mellow. .

    "This wine?"

    Murray's eyes lit up when he looked at the crystal-clear wine, and then he took a sip carefully and said, "Good wine, good wine." The wine Fu Mingyou brought out was better than the wine he had ever drunk. Both are delicious.

    Murray is a wine lover, and it must be good to let the other party say good wine. Mu Han and others on the side also quickly tasted it.

    Chen Xia took a sip and sighed contentedly: "It's really good wine."

    Li Fang and Mu Han on the side also nodded in agreement. This is the best wine they've ever had. Rich and mellow.

    Fu Mingyou just took a small sip and said, "I drink while I eat. I don't drink much on weekdays. I'll share some of it with everyone later. It can be considered to help me eliminate these wines."

    Mu Han laughed boldly . He smiled and said, "Hahaha, that's a good relationship, Brother Fu, then we're welcome."

    This wine is really good, and they really couldn't bear to miss it.

    The five people ate the six dishes and one soup cleanly. They knew that everyone's appetite was definitely not small. When Fu Mingyou was cooking, it was a very large plate.

[MTL] After crossing, I spoil my husband  Author: Hua Zhiqing  Where stories live. Discover now