1. Awakened

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Awake & Arise; The sun is shining.

Faith, a very strong word. It means that one trusts something or someone completely.

Soul, the immaterial or spiritual part of a human being or animal, regarded as immortal.

I have wondered about these two words for a long time - Faith and Soul.

You must be thinking, where am I going with this?

Ever heard of Reincarnation? You must have.

Ever thought you may be reincarnated? Maybe.

Dreamed about being reincarnated into your favorite story as the protagonist or other characters? Perhaps.

Want to be reincarnated? Some may say Yes, some may say NO, some may say No Idea.

Want my opinion? It does not matter...

Why? The question arises undoubtedly.

Because, I have already been reincarnated. In the Dvapara Yuga... Yes, you heard it absolutely right.

I have been reincarnated in the times of The Mahabharata. Before you ask, No, I have no idea how I got reincarnated. I remember dying. At the age of twenty, surrounded by doctors and nurses, my soul departing, and my body and heart stopped functioning. I, like you and many others, had obviously heard about the concept of reincarnation and soul. I even believed it.

But believing and actually experiencing it is way different. Nonetheless, here I am, reincarnated in the times of mighty Kings and Queens; Of Warriors and Sages; Of Shri Krishna and Radha.

In these times, I was born to a Kshatriya Father and Brahmin mother. If you are thinking of a King or Queen, then no, I was the daughter of a commoner in Hastinapura. Thankfully, the most I have to worry about is my marriage in these times, if only Destiny can be merciful on me. I will leave it for the future.

Right now, I am nothing but a five-year-old child.

I started remembering my past life just a year ago. The head pain and tears surely frightened my current parents. I may have the memories of my past life, but that does not have any effect on my body. I still behave like a five-year-old, still have the emotional and physical capacity of a five-year-old. The only difference is my intelligence and thinking capacity may be higher.

I enjoy being small again and getting pampered by my mother. The only thing that irked me was the education and caste distinction. I was taught to write and read, but that was it. No other education was given. Apparently, the reason being that I was a girl.

Let me explain. In these times, the people are divided into four divisions or castes or varna. First, Brahman, they were the priests, sages, maharishis, scholars, and teachers. My mother belonged to this caste. She was the middle daughter of a Purohit (priest). Next was Kshatriya, my father belonged to this caste. They were the soldiers, warriors, and administrators. The Royal family also belonged to this caste. They protected the kingdom. Third is Vaishya, they are the businessmen, merchants, and other trade professions and agriculturists. Fourth is Shudra, they were the labor class and service providers like charioteers, blacksmiths, and so on.

These divisions were there only to maintain social order and discipline. But in these times, the matter has been far exaggerated, leading to scorn thrown at various people only because of the work they do. These little social divisions irritated me for no obvious reasons.

Here, a girl's only importance was to marry and take care of the household. Very rarely were they given high education. Dwarka was probably the only kingdom to teach both girls and boys and give them basic education. I don't even know if Dwarka existed yet.

The reason is that Maharaja Pandu just got married to Maharani Kunti.

There was a huge procession as the King and his newlywed Queen arrived. I was there as well but could not see them because of my height. Even hoisted in the arms of my mother, I could not see them properly. There was a huge crowd, and everyone was showering flower petals on them as they arrived in their huge chariot.

That was three months ago. Currently, rumor has it that the kingdom of Madra was attacked. The king of Madra has asked for King Pandu's help. Maharaja Pandu will be leaving in two days for the Madra Kingdom.

I have no idea what is going on. What will I do when I am older? What is my purpose over here?

All these questions, but no answers.

I finally let myself drift to sleep.

After all, I have been lying awake for a long while.

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