11. Fifteen Years Hence - Karna (part 2)

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Time and Patience are two of the most powerful warriors.

Dawn broke out. The sky slowly changed its colours from black to midnight blue, to purple. Sunrise was still good four hours away. People of Aryavarta will start to awaken in a hour or two.

While many people are still in the vestiges of sleep, one person had already awakened. Said person was walking within the dark forests of the land. His sculpted body moved in the dark of the forest like a panther hunting his prey. His locks felled artistically around his shoulder. His steps silent. His hand curled around the huge bow, strong and powerful. His white angavastra glowed in the dark as he chased his prey. His skin had the radiance of the sun. His deep, dark charcoal eyes scanned the surroundings with ease. His aura was that of a powerful predator.

His ears heard a noise that signaled his prey. He moved with the swiftness of a panther, a predator as he gave chase. He moved as if he was wind, swiftly with a speed. He caught sight of his prey, a Rakshasa that had been troubling the natives of the forest for a long time.

His hand took hold of his huge bow, which he lifted and released an arrow, confidence in his strike. The arrow went and pierced the Rakshasa back, killing him instantly. The Rakshasa cry heard throughout the forest.

He changed direction and entered a nearby valley. The valley was shrouded in darkness still, but when he entered the people of the valley erupted in huge cries. His arrival gave hope and spread happiness in the simple forest dwellers heart and mind.

He gave a wide- eyed look at their sudden enthusiasm at his arrival. He folded his hands humbly and bend to take his blessings, when an old man came to bless him. The old man's eyes widened at the respect given but a soft and slow smile spread on his lips which was not seen by him. He went towards the cliff that overshadowed a rock terrain, where the river Ganga flowed through the various rocks and pebbles, creating a picturesque scene. He went towards the river to take his usual bath.

The sun came up with him as he rose from the water. His face glowed with the sun shining behind him, enhancing his sharp features and deep charcoal eyes.

His Kundal's glinted in the sun. His face gave off an aura of power yet responsibility. His lips curled at the edge giving a charming smile as he folded his hands towards the sun and bowed his head, doing his customary Surya Pranam. He changed into fresh clothes and went to the hut he was given to stay in the valley. He took his bow, tidied the hut and left through the door.

He was going out the path leading within the forest when a call stopped him.

"Putra!" He turned backwards only to see the old man who had blessed him before coming towards him.

"Putra! Itne shigra hume chor ke jaoge? (You will leave so soon, son) Stay for a while, son." The old man said.

"Shama kijiye kaka, (Forgive me uncle) but I cannot stay! My duty calls me back to my teacher." He said, smiling gently.

"Thik hai putra! Jaise tumhari iccha.(Alright son. As you wish) We would have loved if you stayed for a while." the old man said in subdued tone.

He simply smiled humbly and folded his hands saying "Please do not stop me from fulfilling my duties, Kaka."

The old man's eyes twinkled. He reassured the kind warrior " No son, you spoke the truth. It is I who asked you of something you cannot fulfil. Ayushman bhava putra! (Be blessed son)" The old man raised his hand in blessing.

He bowed his head and swiftly left. The old man watched as the brave warrior disappeared within the canopy of trees. The old man smiled before he disappeared in a glow.

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