8. Kavach, Kundals & The God

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Believe and everything will sort itself out.

Advika threw an arm over her eyes because light was very bright. It filled the entire clearing and bathed it with its glow.

When the glow subsided, everyone's eyes widened at the scene. A beautiful golden armour sat skin tight on Karna skin. The armour was pure gold with a huge

Sun in the middle and various beautiful drawings carved on it. The armour shown with the radiance of the sun. Karna's ear also had beautiful sun shaped earnings which was not there before. The earnings also seem to have a glow to it. The dagger sat on the ground in front of Karna.

The two men looked at the divinity of the boy, then looked at each other. The first man gestured to the other " What should we do?"

Second man gestured back " He is no ordinary boy...he will surely kill us! "

First " No no... ordinary or not he won't kill...still a boy after all."

Second " I don't care...I am not dying; you go and die. Leave me out of this."

First " But. What of the Rakshas King? He will surely kill us!"

Second " I am doing what I do best. You do what you want to do!"

First gestured again confused " What do you do best?"

Second " Running away of course! Bye!"

The second man ran away. The first man looked here and there before following his partner.

Advika laughed at the behaviour of the men, while Karna looked amused. Though Karna's mind seems to be preoccupied with the sudden appearance of the Kavach and Kundala. Advika got up from where she was hiding. Karna looked up to see her walking towards him.

" When were you going to tell me about this?" Advika said and pointed towards the armour.

"I had no idea about this!" he exclaimed.

Before she could answer, a groan broke through the clearing. The boys were waking up. All four  started to wiggle and stretch. Advika and Karna helped them and removed the rope tying them.

The boys woke up slowly. They looked around and saw Karna and Advika. Advika waved while Karna smiled at them. They slowly stood up and came towards them.

One boy asked Karna " Aap Bhagwan ho? (Are you God?) "

Karna looked at him shocked. He replied, " Nehi! (No) I am Karna."

The boy replied looking sad " I was calling God...he did not come then...but he sent you. So do you know God?"

Advika was standing to the side. She looked at the five-year-olds and Karna. She pressed her lips together, so she could not laugh out at the questions. Karna's face was turning into an interesting shade of red.

'Poor him! Might as well help him or he will turn into a tomato!' Advika thought, laughing


"Bachoo(Children)....Your parents might be worried; you should go home!" She called.

The boys looked at each other. One boy said " Ji jiji. But we don't know the way out of the forest."

Karna replied " I will show you the way! Come with me."

The boys nodded before following him. Karna gestured to Advika to stay for a while. She nodded at him. Advika watched till all six of them left the clearing before going straight towards the cave. She sat on her slab and leaned on the cave wall behind her. The incident barely took an hour but still she was so exhausted. She closed her wanting to rest.

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