47.Childhood Memories!

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Memories, especially of childhood are always worthwhile, whether bad or good.

Balrama and Krishna, two brothers, belong to the renowned Yadava clan and are the children of Vasudev. They are considered incarnations of Adi Shesh Nag and Lord Vishnu, the preserver of the universe. These two brothers, who once enjoyed a carefree childhood in the beloved village of Vrindavan, were destined for extraordinary feats. They courageously vanquished numerous demons sent by their uncle Kansa of Mathura, who sought to eliminate the one fated to defeat him.

The name Krishna itself embodies a profound divinity that transcends description.

The tale begins when Balrama and Krishna received a summons from their uncle, King Kansa of Mathura. They were being escorted to Mathura by Akroor, who was a devoted aide to Vasudev. Along the journey, they paused for the night.

Krishna, feeling a restlessness in his heart, decided to take a stroll through the surrounding forest. "Don't wander too far, my Prince," cautioned Akroor before Krishna ventured into the woods, receiving a reassuring nod in response.

Amidst the moonlit forest, a young boy in his teens walked with an air of tranquility. His countenance appeared serene, but his thoughts were in turmoil. The woods might have held a sense of wonder for anyone else, but for him, they felt like a second home. He settled beneath a towering tree, cradled gently by its roots.

A bittersweet smile graced his lips. Meeting his birth parents had brought him joy and marked a significant milestone in his destiny. Yet, he couldn't help but yearn for the familiar fields and jungles of Vrindavan. Vrindavan was his true home, where his most cherished memories of Yashoda Maiya, Nanda Baba, Brishvanu Kaka, and, most of all, Radha, resided.

A solitary tear trickled down his left cheek as he closed his eyes, lost in his thoughts. 

"Tum thik ho?" inquired a soft but unmistakably female voice.

Krishna's eyes snapped open upon hearing the voice. He gazed at the girl before him, who appeared to be around his age, perhaps a few months younger. There was an undeniable aura of grace even at her tender age. Her doe-like eyes held a curious and inquisitive expression while her brow furrowed.

"Haa, mujhe kya hoga?" he responded before closing his eyes once more.

The girl, undeterred, took a seat beside him on the ground. "Hmm...yes, that's why a tear slipped past your eyes," she remarked, her observation keen.

Krishna couldn't hide a soft sigh, feeling a tad annoyed at being interrupted during his solitary moments. "What do you want?" he asked, his tone coming across as somewhat abrupt. The recollection of his home and her, Radha, had evidently disrupted his tranquility and inner peace.

The girl raised one of her eyebrows, her curiosity unyielding. "Nothing! Just thought you looked a bit lonely," she replied. They sat together in silence for several minutes.

"Mind saying what's on your mind? It feels better. Perhaps a stranger can help where family cannot," she whispered, her words carrying a gentle and understanding tone.

Krishna turned to look at her, finding her gaze fixed on the bright stars. He shifted his gaze in the same direction. After a few moments, he began to speak, his voice barely more than a whisper.

"I have a destiny to fulfill, something I must do," he revealed. "But...I'm missing my home, I suppose."

"I am away from home as well. I'm separated from two people who mean the world to me, and I'll be away from them for a long while yet. But...you know what I realized?" the girl shared, a tender expression on her face as she gazed at the moon.

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