29. The most Important day!

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And suddenly you know,....It's time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.

The morning donned bright and clear. The sky was clear with fluffy white clouds, and the fields filled with green grass, that happily danced with the fluttering breeze. It seems like Devi Prithvi herself, was very happy.

In the divine abode of Kailash, Mata Parvati hummed as she sew the flowers to make a beautiful garland. Mahadev was meditating as usual. Suddenly, there were two golden glow, which formed to female figures.

"Pranam Mahadev, Pranam Devi Parvati." said two synchronized lilting voices. There stood in a beautiful white dress, the Papnashini Ganga. Beside her stood the divine form of Devi Prithvi.

" May we know the reason of your visit?" asked Mahadev, as he opened his eyes, at the greetings.

" Of course, Mahadev. We came to ask weather you and Parvati will be joining us?" asked Ganga.

" Where jiji?" asked Mata Parvati. Mahadev simply smiled understanding.

" To the wedding of Advika and Karna. Advika is a blessing from you both, surely you will attend your daughter's marriage!" replied Ganga.

" You will be attending I believe!" said Mahadev.

" Yes Mahadev, not in our own form, but in disguise. I wish simply wish to bless my daughter before her marriage." said Prithvi.

"Well jiji, devi Prithvi, yes I will attend, unlike someone." said Mata Parvati, glaring at Mahadev, who looked back at her with an innocent face. Ganga and Prithvi, smiled at each other, laughing internally at the banter between the divine couple.

"Well, we came to you invite you both, if you are joining us, in Suryalok." said Prithvi.

"Suryalok?" asked Mata Parvati, confused.

" Yes, Suryadev and his sons will come to bless Karna before his wedding. And Probably stay too." said Ganga, pondering about it.

" We will be there!" said Mahadev, smiling at his wife's happy face. Ganga and Prithvi nodded and joined their hands, asking for permission. Mahadev nodded, and

Mata Parvati smiled at them. Both disappeared in a glow. "You are pleased Gauri!" said Mahadev, with twinkling eyes. Mata Parvati simply nodded, a soft and happy smile on her face.

Shani dev and Yamaraj the two divine sons of Surya dev were whispering to each other. Surya dev raised his eyebrows at his eldest children's behaviour.

"Putro! " called Surya dev.

" Ji Pitashree? " asked Yama, while Shani dev stood beside him.

"Are you both ready to leave for bhulok?" asked Surya dev. "Of course, pitashree!" replied Yama, with Shani dev nodding along.

" What disguise are you both taking?" asked Surya dev.

" Both of us will be a Brahmins, pitashree!" replied Shani dev.

"Pitashree! I am ready, let's go." said Yami, happily.

"You look beautiful my child! But you do know the fact that we have to be in disguise right?" asked Surya dev, looking at his daughter's beautiful dress.

"Of course, pitashree! I will be in disguise when we reach there!" replied Yami, in a matter of fact tone, a bit annoyed.

Yama and Shani snickered behind him, but straitened when Surya dev glared at his sons. "We need to wait for Devi Ganga, Devi Prithvi , Mahadev and Mata Parvati to join us." said Surya dev to his eager children. A beautiful glow appeared to reveal the form of the divine couple.

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