33. Yuvraja Announced.

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Remember without subjects, the king and the kingdom has no meaning.

Two pairs of small feet ran as fast as possible to the temple.
" Rajmata! Rajmata! " called the child desperately.
Kunti who was lighting the lamps, was a bit bewildered at the cries of Rajmata. Who was
calling for her? The voice seemed like that of a child! She immediately came out of the temple
premises, to see a small child of 7 years old, looking distraught and fearful. She bent down to
place a calming on hand on the little boy's head. Her eyes asking the unasked question.

" Rajmata, shigra chaliye. The princess is hurt!"said the child, fear and anxiety coursing
through his little body.

" Kya? Do you know where she is?" asked Kunti, her heart thudding within her rib-cage.
The child nodded and dragged her by the hand, to the place where Advika was.
Kunti arrived right on time, to find her daughter-in-law fainting, blood flowing from her
" Putri!! " called Kunti, her eyes wide. She took a deep breath, as her body acted without
thought. Her hands circled around Advika's body, stopping the ascent to the ground.
" Kunti! Advika! " called a frantic voice.
" Tatshree! " yelled back Kunti, her voice chocked with tears.
Gangaputra Bhishma arrived, his eyes quickly taking in the scene. He had been frantic with
worry, when the daasi who had seen the princess defending the children, ran to tell the nearest
royal, which happened to be Bhishma.He had already sent Vidur to find out the culprit who
had the audacity to attack within the place. Though he had a feeling who it could be.
" Tatshree! Advika?" asked Kunti, her voice laced with worries, especially as the wound was
bleeding a lot. It had seeped into her clothes.

" Don't worry Kunti, the vaidji has been called!" said Bhishma, as he picked up Advika, and
bought her within her chamber. Immediately the healer entered and threw everyone out of the
Bhishma and Kunti waited in the hallway.

" Kunti, Tatshree! Is putri Advika alright?" asked Gandhari as she arrived alongside Dushala.
Both of the ladies had worry written in their faces.
" I don't know jiji. The vaidji is seeing to her now." said Kunti, her voice had sadness etched
to it.
" Jyesht bhrata Karna, won't be happy at all. He will be furious." said Dushala, her one hand
clutching her mother's own hand and another clutching her skirt.
" Yes he will be, putri. I have already sent Vidur to see into the matter. The spys have been
notified as well, to keep an eye out. Let us see, what Advika has to say about this matter!"
replied Bhishma, as he paced in front of the closed doors of the chamber. Kunti and Gandhari
had paled.
" The children will be here by tomorrow. What will we say to them?" asked Gandhari, her voice
" The truth!" said Bhishma.
Before anyone can say anything, the healer came out of her chamber.
" Vaidji, will my daughter be alright?" asked Kunti, her eyes wide, and tone urgent.
" Yes Rajmata. Rajkumari is actually fine. She simply lost a lot of blood, nothing at bit of rest
and food cannot cure. You all can go on to meet her. The scar that she got, with that dagger
will fade away as well. Ab hume agiya dijiye! " said Vaidji, his tone soothing and calm. He left
at Bhishma's nod.

Kunti and Gandhari breathed a sigh of relief. Dushala smiled as she thanked God for saving
her Bhabhishree.

" We should go inside!" said Bhishma as he gestured to the females to enter.
All four of them entered the room to find, Advika sitting up. Her left shoulder was bandaged
with white cloth. Other than that she seems absolutely fine.
" Putri! Bhagwan Sri Hari ki kripa hai, you are alright!" said Kunti, as she embraced her
Advika smiled and whispered " I am alright, maa. Your daughter is not that weak."
Kunti laughed at the words.
" You had us so worried child!" said Gandhari, as she squeezed Advika's hand and then
caressed her hair.
" I must apologize then, Badi maa. I did not mean to worry anyone." replied Advika.
" Bhabhishree, I am glad you are fine!" chirped Dushala, happy to see her bhabhi looking well.
" I am glad too, Dushala. Are the children, alright?" asked Advika, her tone worried.
" They are fine putri! You were very brave!" said Bhishma, happy she was fine.
Advika flushed at the praise.
" Indeed! Putri, I will bring you something to eat!" said Kunti, getting up from the bed.
" Yes, I will come along Kunti!" replied Gandhari, as she got up as well.
Kunti smiled and took Gandhari's hand and both the ladies went out of the chamber.
" Putri Dushala, I don't think Dritharashtra has any idea about the attack. Why don't you go and
inform him. I will keep Advika company till then." said Bhishma, looking at Dushala.
" Ji Pitamaha! " replied Dushala, as she nodded and left. On the way, she closed the doors of
the chamber.
A pin drop silence prevailed within the room. Advika was deep in thought, when Bhishma
turned around, to face her. He took a seat beside her bed.
" Putri! I need to know what happened!" said Bhishma, gently as he probed.
Advika looked at him and gave a small nod.

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