19. The Most Awaited Day Arrives!

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Forgiveness and Selflessness are the qualities of the possessed. They represent eternal virtue. ( #Quote by Krishna# )

Two days swiftly passed in excitement and anxiety, for the people of Hastinapura. A new dawn. A new beginning. How ironic it is, that the day we think is going to be normal, turns out to be the one of the most crucial day of our life.

Something like that will happen to the people of Hastinapura, who went about the day, the same way, as they do every other day. None of them were aware of the storm coming their way and was neither aware of the rainbow that can lead them away.

Karna finished his normal routine of yoga in front of the Sun to return home and see that his mother is humming happily while she tidied the room.

He smiled at his mother's happiness.

"Radha maa, is anand ke picche koi visshes karan? (Any special reason behind this happiness, Mother?) " asked Karna.

"Haa karan hai na! (Of course there is a reason)Today is the day of the Kala Pradarshan. I am glad you decided to participate! Now I can see my son's warrior skills." said Radha, happily.

Karna hummed in reply. Truthfully, he still did not see the reason behind his participation. But if that made his Radha maa happy, who was he to refuse?

He wondered why Advika wanted him to participate, so badly. He remembered that two days before, she had come from whatever work she had, distracted. She had been fine the next morning, but she had been a bit tensed from then. He had no idea, why she was tensed. He knew that if he asked, she would avoid the topic and refuse to answer.

Advika entered with two plates of food in her hand.

"Kaki, Sakha, bhojan kar lijiye!(Have your food) We have to leave remember! Today is the day!" said she, her face having a sweet excited smile.

Karna smiled.He looked critically, observing her as she spoke with his mother. She did not seemed tensed now. That means whatever matter had been troubling her, had sorted itself out.

He sighed satisfied.

"Putra, is the food not to your liking?" asked Radha, wondering why her son was not eating. Before Karna could reply, Advika said" Are kaki, I think sakha is worried..about the competition you know! I heard some of the Princes will also participate!"

Radha laughed, while Karna glared at her. Advika simply smiled sweetly back at him.

"Aise koi baat nehi hai maa,(There is nothing like that mother) I am not worried. The food is amazing as usual!" said Karna, pacifying his mother.

"Thik hai putra! (Alright son) You finish eating fast..we will leave soon." replied Radha, as she left the two best friends.

Karna looked at Advika who finished eating the last morsel of food from her plate.

"Advika?" called Karna.

" Hmm..." said Advika.

" You are hiding something from me!" said Karna, knowing he was right.

Advika looked back at Karna. She knew he was right. He knew he was right. There was no need to pretend to not know he was taking about.

" Yess!" she affirmed.

" Can you tell me about whatever it is?" asked Karna.

" No, I cannot sakha. It is not my tale." replied Advika.

Karna hummed to acknowledge her response.

" I will know?" questioned Karna.

" You will, very soon!" replied Advika smiling.

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