22. Exploring New Relations.

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The journey matters, not the arrival.

Advika turned to see who spoke in such a manner with her. The other five brothers also furrowed their brows as they saw the person.

Duryodhan was fuming. How dare that scoundrel speak to his mamashree, in such a manner. His mamashree was insulted, by being asked to apologize. He did not care if he was the eldest, he won't leave anyone who spoke to his mama, in that manner. That girl was no less, she mocked his mamashree too.

He, somehow had managed to leave the gathering, where his parents, Pitamaha Bhishma and Kaka Vidur was sitting with Bhagwan Parshurama. He walked around the palace, only to stumble upon the very women who mocked his mamashree. He felt a surge of anger at her.

"What are you doing here?" said Duryodhan, his voice rude. Advika simply raised her eyebrows.

" I was invited here by the Rajmata, is there a problem?" said Advika.

Yuddhisthir was hoping Duryodhan will not create trouble. Before he could mediate, Duryodhan spoke up. " Of course, there is a problem. Common people are not allowed in the Palace, especially those who belong in the dungeons..." said Duryodhan, rage clear n his voice.

" Is that so?" Asked a voice from behind. Everyone looked behind Duryodhan to see Karna and Kunti standing there. Duryodhan gulped, while Yuddhisthir sighed in relief. The other four princes were still glaring at Duryodhan.

" Well?" said Karna, as he folded his hands.

"She belongs there, for she mocked my mamashree and so do you for insulting him!" said Duryodhan, before leaving.

" I apologize, Putra, Putri, on behalf of him, " said Kunti.

" It's fine ma!! You don't need to worry!" said Karna.

" Haa Rajmata! It's fine." said Advika.

The five smiled and looked among each other.

"Now we can call you jyesht, that's great" said Sahadev, cheering.

Karna smiled and a certain playful glint appeared in his charcoal eyes.

"Accha? I thought you were calling me jyesht from the day you got to know me?" said Karna. His mischievous tone not escaping Advika and Kunti's notice.

" Huhh!! Aap kya bol rahe hai jyesht? I did not understand."asked Arjun, actually confused. Karna smiled a slow, soft smirk. If it had been Radha or Adirath or Guru Parshurama, they would have known that their son/ student was up to mischief. But none of them were there. Only Advika would recognize the smirk, and she wont stop him from having fun. Kunti understood her eldest was about to create mischief. A soft smile came on her lips, as she thought of her eldest.

"Maa, how could you lie to me?" asked Karna, a mock hurt tone in his voice, as he turned to Kunti. He gave her a wink to play along. Kunti stopped a smile from coming on her face.

"I did not lie, putra!" said Kunti, a confused tone in her voice. Karna felt his smirk widen. He loved his mother, she sure knew how to play along.

"Haa jyesht, maa jhut nehi bolti! "said Yuddhisthir, a bit worried.

" Phir to tum log jhut bol rahe ho!" said Karna, his face a bit sad.

" Kya? But when did we lie?" asked Yuddhisthir, aghast he was accused of lying. He could not do so even in his dreams or even nightmares.

" Haa jyesht, what are you talking about?" asked Bhima, confused.

Arjun and Nakul looked at each other, wondering what was going on. Kunti and Advika was stifling their laughter.

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