56. A Danger?

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Advika's POV:

We have been in Kamakhya for two weeks. None of us had any trouble adjusting to a simple life.

My family was finally coming out of their self-imposed healing time. The Dyut Sabha had scared me as well. Half of the time, either Karna or I would wake up in nightmares of that day.

At first, all of us had trouble sleeping. But after a while, we had a family meeting and simply talked about our feelings regarding that day. Of course, it wasn't that easy to get them to talk. I somehow managed, thankfully. Nonetheless, now everything was almost peaceful. I turned my head when I heard a 'crash' sound. It seems like I spoke too soon.

Arjun had suddenly dropped a plate full of ladoos. Oh no! That is about to spell trouble, as I saw Bhima and Draupadi coming out of the kitchen and hut, respectively.

"Arjun is so in trouble! Poor guy!" murmured Devanshi as she came to stand beside me.

"I hope he doesn't get a lecture again," I said, wincing at the thought when it happened last time. Draupadi suddenly wanted to learn about Dharma from Yuddhisthir, and, well, he taught her. Then, the rest was history! I still remember her talks of the right and wrongs, morality and immorality... and the technicalities of Dharma. My ears are still ringing!

Devanshi simply cringed at the thought.

"My ladoos! Arya, how could you?" whimpered Draupadi, pouting even more. She had entered her fourth month of pregnancy, and let's say, there is no shortage of entertainment.

"Ladoos? You dropped ladoos?" said Bhima as he came over to Arjun.

"I don't know how I dropped it, bhrata!" said Arjun as he got up slowly. I looked down, near his feet to find a strip of rope connected in a manner that no one can see. I smiled. Must have been a prank of Nakul and Sahadeva.

"My ladoos!" said Draupadi as she started to cry big fat tears. I hid my smile as I watched Arjun looking panicked. Bhima also looked angry. I saw Vandita come out of the kitchen as well, probably having heard the commotion.

"What happened again?" I heard Kalyani ask as she went towards Draupadi. Devanshi and I exchanged a glance at each other, watching the drama unfold.

"Bhabhishree, should we go and manage them?" asked Devanshi, with a small mischievous smile on her face.

"Nope! One must not interfere between a husband and a wife," I said sternly, though I knew my eyes were twinkling, expressing my amusement.

We both turned towards them when we heard Arjun speak.

"Arey... My sweet wife, why are you crying? You know you don't look beautiful crying? See, I will get you another plate of ladoos. There are more ladoos, right Bhabhishree Vandita?" said Arjun, trying to pacify a crying Draupadi, while turning towards Vandita at the last words. Vandita nodded reassuringly. I winced at Arjun's wording! Poor guy, he has no idea about the storm coming his way!

"Haa behena, don't cry! There are more ladoos, I will bring them with me!" said Vandita, as she started to enter the kitchen again when Draupadi yelled a "No!"

"Don't you want ladoos, jiji?" asked Kalyani, confused.

"No, I mean Yes! But... but Arya... he called me ugly!" said Draupadi, making me choke on a laugh. Even Devanshi was very amused.

"Ugly? But priye, I never said such a thing!" said Arjun, looking confused. I simply hid my giggle.

"You did! You said it right now! You told me I don't look beautiful while crying, that means I look ugly while crying!" with that, she started sobbing.

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