23. A new Entry!

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Keep smiling, it makes people wonder about what you are up to.

Advika smiled. She knew who that voice belong to. She did wonder though what he was doing here?

"Bolo gi nehi? ((What do I say?)" Said the male, as he sat beside her.

Advika looked at him. He sat there with a serious look on his face, as if hearing her answer
was the most important job he had.

" Kya bolu Kanha? (What do I say  Kanha?) " said Advika with a raised eyebrow.

He sat there among the wilderness in front of the beautiful scene of the waterfall, and managed to look like the King. His face held the shine of both the Sun and Moon. He wore his trademark Pitambar angavastra. But above all his Mayur pankh was swaying gently in the wind, as if they had a mind of their own. To the world he may be the Dwarkadeesh, Madhav, Gopal...and so much more. But to her, to Advika, he was her soul twin brother, her partner in crime and her Kanha.

" Yehi ki tum dahi ka kya karne wali ho? (That what are you going to do with that curd?)" asked Krishna, very seriously.

" Tumhe dungi! Chahiye? (I'll give you.  Want it?)" answered Advika.

" What will I do with curd?" asked Kanha, pinching his nose.

" Kha lena...Makhaan samajh ke! (Eat it, think it to be butter.)" said Advika, a playful glint in her eyes.

" Chi!! Tum Makhaan ka apman maat karo! (Chi!  Don't you insult the butter!)" said Kanha seriously.

Advika laughed at that. Krishna smiled too; happy he had made his soul twin laugh. Advika calmed down after a while.

" When and why did you come to Hastinapur? Did something happen?" asked Advika.

" Yes, something did happen! And I came an hour ago!" replied Kanha.

" An hour ago? I did not know I was here for so long. How did you find me anyway? What happened? Is Maa, Rohini maa and Pitashree alright? What about Subhadra and Balrama dau?" asked Advika, firing questions after questions.

" Arey arey...ruk bhi jao..ghore se bhi tezz daur rahi ho..Take a deep breath!" said Kanha, his face in a smile. (Arey, wait dear. You're speed is faster than even the horse!)

" Ab bolo bhi!" said Advika after taking a deep breath as instructed. (Now say!)

" Ab kya bolu...You know I am so disappointed!" said Kanha, making a sad face. (What do I say?)

" Disappointed? Kyu?" asked Advika, confused.

" How can I not be disappointed? I had another elder brother and I did not know. Bua did not say anything. Oh by the way, everyone is so unhappy with you, back in Dwarka." said

" Maine kya kia?" asked Advika, wondering why were one of her family unhappy with her.

" I will let Dau tell you that. As for the rest of your question..." said Kanha, but he was interrupted before he could complete.

" Dau is here? and Bua?" asked Advika excitedly, which changed to slight confusion in the last.

" Haa bolne to do pehle...Dau is at the palace, meeting everyone, I did not go there yet, I was searching for you. And do you know how hard it is to find you in a jungle?" continued Kanha, in an annoyed tone.

" Acha acha kshama...ab bolo ye Bua kon hai?" asked Advika curious.

" Bua Kunti! You know her, right?" said Kanha, scratching his head.

" Oh!! I did not know she was your aunt. That means Karna is your elder brother, right?" asked Advika.

" Haa...Karna, acha nam hai jyesht ka! Wait, is that the same Karna, the Suryaputra?" asked Kanha.

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