15. Shock and an Announcement!

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Truth will come out no matter how much you try to stop it.

Karna and Advika were finally face to face. Karna's hand lifted towards her face slowly. Her doe eyes looked towards him, her heart fluttering.

His long fingers curled around the edge of the cloth and slowly pulled it off her face, revealing luscious pink lips and aristocratic yet soft features. Her veil still on her head, covering her hair. He slowly stood back as his mouth uttered the only name he could think.


Her eyes widened as her name slipped from the handsome and radiant stranger's mouth. She briefly closed her eyes as words fell from her mouth.

"Sakha? Karna?"

His eyes widened too and he took a sharp breath. Both looked at each other for a while. Advika noticed how much he had changed. He was taller than her probably six feet in height. He wore a simple angavastra but he had a regal and dangerous aura, like a king. He truly became an exemplary warrior. His steps had been silent, she had not heard him come behind her at all. The only reason she turned because she felt a presence. His presence. He still had his radiance. His kundal's were present his ears, which glinted and shone brightly. His looks bespoke of a divinity. He was so handsome and radiant. His dark charcoal eyes with flecks of grey were beautiful and hypnotizing.

She lowered her eyes, a slight blush on her face. Karna also noticed the changes in his only friend. She had grown taller but still short compared to him and is very petite. Her luscious ad shiny black hair tumbled down like a waterfall. Her eyes attracted him, her kohl laden doe eyes. They were drawn beautifully, while her hazel eyes flecked with gold, were deep and soulful. Her red and white dress hugged her figure showing her petite and absolutely beautiful figure more. She was adorned by simple jewels that simply magnified her regal aura, like a queen. She had become a beauty. He looked behind her for a while trying to think of anything but her beauty.

Both stood in an awkward silence. This caused both of them to frown inside their mind.

"Hum chup chap kyu khare hai? Let's sit and talk! I have so much to tell you!" Advika blurted out. She hated awkward silence between her friend and herself. She dragged him by the hand and made him sit on the slab of rock.

"Kaise ho? When did you arrive? Have you met your mother?" Karna questioned softly.

" Thik hu! I arrived today, in the morning. No, I haven't met maa yet! Ab aap batao! "Advika replied.

" I came yesterday, at night. I am alright. Met my parents as well!" Karna said. A comfortable silence took hold this time.

" Tum mere saath ghar chalo! No one can recognize us now as we are grown up! Then I will ask Mata to call Aaratrika kaki. You can meet your mother then. " Spoke Karna.

"Thik hai! Waise...you seem to have grown smart. Good! I don't have to plan everything now. You can help!" teased Advika, a smile on her face.

" Acha? Pehle kya murkh tha? " asked Karna, in a mock hurt voice.

" Aur nehi to kya? Let that be,.. tell me..whom did you learn from?" she asked again, ignoring the mock hurt voice. She knew he was joking.

"Bhagwan Parshurama and Dev guru Brihaspati! Tum?" He smiled as he answered. Her excitement can be seen on her face. He will tease her later for that comment. Now he wishes to simply speak with her.

"Maharishi Vashistha! Tell me, what else did you do? " She asked.

Advika was happy and excited. It has been 15 years since she saw her beloved friend. He had changed yes, but inside it was still her sakha. Her precious friend. Both smiled at each other blissfully. Their heart content and happy.

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