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This omake will take us to Dwarka!!
Let's see what's happening there ---------->


Krishna, Balrama, Advait, Mahesh, Virendra, and Raghav.

The six of them were hiding behind a wall, keeping watch on the door. It had been two weeks! The number of children in Dwarka was too much. But well, what can one do? Virendra asked, confused, "Gurudev, hum yeha kya kar rahe hai?"

Krishna answered with a smile, "Gurudev nehi putra, mamashree hu mei tumhara!" Mahesh spoke up, "Parantu, you are our teacher as well!"

Balrama softly said, "Of course he is, my dear! But...right now he is your uncle, okay?" The kids nodded. Advait pointed out to Krishna, "You did not answer Virendra's question though, Uncle Krishna!"

Krishna answered with a mischievous smile, "Have patience, son. I will answer everything on time! Now keep watch." Advait nodded, exchanging a glance with Virendra and Raghav. All of them wondered what was going through their mischievous mamashree's mind.

After some time, the two guards guarding the Kitchen left, including Rohini and Devaki. The Kitchen door was locked. Everyone came out when they left. "Okay, kids! You have some work to do! Take this as your first test, under my teachings! You will use stealth in this test," said Krishna, clapping his hands excitedly. "What test mamashree?" asked Virendra, gulping at the sudden test.

" dear nephews, don't be afraid, come close...I will whisper into your ears. Mahesh, dear, you will get a different test today!" said Krishna, his smile positively naughty. "This guy will kill me someday, that also on the hand of my mother!" murmured Balrama, already imagining Rohini's grip on his ear. He winced at the thought. "Dau, what are you whispering? Go and tell Mahesh what he needs to do!" ordered Krishna, with a twinkling pair of eyes.


With Krishna:-

"Okay, children...I feel like an old teacher [murmuring to himself]... [speaking loudly to his nephews]... what you need to do is, you have to go into the kitchen and... [whispers to them]..."

"But Mamashree, this is not right!" said Virendra, nervously at the task given.

"And what if we get caught?" asked Advait, immediately, not giving Krishna time to answer. "Then don't get caught!" said Krishna with a wink, gesturing them to the kitchen.

"Right or wrong, if we get caught, Jyesht Advait, bhratashree Virendra... we will simply point towards Mamashree Kanha!" whispered Raghav, with a mischievous smile. Virendra's eyes twinkled, while Advait smirked.

"Of course... who will blame us poor kids, when there is an adult available? Definitely not our grandmothers!" said Advait, looking like Advika, with twinkling eyes. All three of them grinned, while Kanha felt a tingle down his spine.

"Why do I feel like I dug my own grave?" murmured Krishna, as he watched his nephews open the kitchen door.


With Balrama:-
"Mahesh, you will have to be the good and cute child to keep everyone busy, alright?" said Balrama, already dreading thousands of questions.

"Why?" came the immediate answer from Mahesh, who was munching on a laddoo.

"Because this will create a diversion and help your elder brothers in completing their task!" answered Balrama patiently.

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