13. Surprise

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If your base is strong, your building will stay upright even during the storm. This is exactly what a good character is about.

In Suryaloka.

Karna walked around the palace that had become his second home. Yes, second home. If someone asked him whether he would prefer the palace of Suryaloka or his adopted parent's house, he would always choose his Radha Mata's and Adiratha Pitashree's home. That small house will always be his home. That place was his solace.

He was adopted by them. They gave him a home when they did not have to. They could have simply handed him to the ashram in Hastinapura, but they did not do so. They chose to keep him as their son. They gave him food, clothes and basic moral values. They loved him as his own even after Shon was born. He was still their first child and they loved him. That's all he can ask for.

It had hurt when he learnt from his father that his biological mother had given him up. He had been abandoned, though there was no fault of his. He was nothing but a baby then. His heart had lurched and writhed with pain when he found out his mother had not wanted him. Tears had rolled down his cheeks thinking that he did not deserve love.

But he had understood too. He understood the circumstances. He had forgiven his mother the moment he heard about her plight. Understood she was in a tough position. He was grateful too. If he had not been abandoned by his biological mother, then he would not have met his Radha mata and Adiratha pitashree. He would not have met his only friend Advika.

His mother was a princess and also, a queen. If he was bought up by his biological mother, then he would have led a lavish life. How would he meet his friend and his beloved parents then? He cannot imagine a life without them. They are a part of who he is. They had a hand in molding his personality. Without his adopted parents and Advika he would have been always craving for love and affection. To prove his worth over and over again.

In the end, Karna thought that Advika was right in saying 'Whatever happens, happens for a reason.'

His life might have been tough, but there were people who had worse than him. The least he can do is be grateful and become the best he can become. To honour those people who prayed for him, stood by him and helped him. Karna realized as a small smile spread on his lips, that he had a lot of those people. His biological father Suryadev and his family, his adopted parents, his celestial brothers and sisters and his two revered teachers...who had taught him the principles of life...who had mold him and made him who he was today...and one more person. Advika.

Her thought had always bought a smile on his lips unknowingly. She became the light when he was being bullied and rejected by the society for being low born. She became a truly dear friend. He realized how much he values her friendship. She would tease him, irritate him and then apologize as well. She stopped him from doing wrong and expecting that he would do the same for her. Karna stepped into a balcony that showed the palace garden in Suryaloka. He breathed in the fresh air and watched as his father rose the sun in the sky.

A near silent footsteps were heard as the person came to stand beside him. Karna did not glance at him, already knowing who he was.

Shani dev spoke,  "Suna Mata sei ki tum bhulok ajj hi wapas jaoge! Any specific reason?"

"Nehi, koi visshes karan nehi! Radha Mata and Adirath Pitashree must be waiting. It's been years since I met them." said Karna.

"A valid reason." nodded Shani dev.

A comfortable silence fell on them as they both watched as their father left on his chariot with seven white horses for his morning rounds.

"Bhrata! Ek prashna puchne ki anumati hai? " Karna asked.

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