58. Baby, so soon?

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Advika's POV:

It was nighttime. Everyone had slept for the day, yet I knew my stubborn husband wasn't asleep. I came inside the hut to verify my thoughts. Yes, indeed, he wasn't there. This day had been very hectic for all of us. While it started with happiness and as a normal day, it surely spiraled down very soon. Rakshas, Jayadratha...

I wonder what Dushala might be thinking about her husband's bald head, especially when it was done by her cousin brothers. I have absolutely no second thoughts on suggesting the idea of removing his hair. He deserved that. If he had attacked us - the adults, no one would have been very angry. But he planned to kidnap our kids. That was something we will never forget.

I got out of my thoughts as I realized I was near a cliff. I looked forward to finding him standing there.

"Kya hua? Not feeling sleepy?" I asked as I went near to the edge where he stood.

"Not really," he said, his voice soft yet a hint of anger could be found. I simply smiled a sad smile.

We stayed quiet for a while. I knew he would speak his thoughts again. We rarely have any secrets between us.

"I am wondering at how low can a person go. To harm a defenseless child, a baby? With this rate those Kauravas are going at, there will be War," he spoke.

"Do you want War?" I asked after a bit of deliberation.

"No. War helps no one. But allowing them to go without punishment also makes me feel enraged," he said, frustration clear in his voice.

"Then they will get punishment," I replied.

I agreed with him. War truly helps no one. While I am sure none of us will care if those people die, still if they die, we will harm one person. Mata Gandhari. And what about those females, who are the wives of those 100 brothers? What about Vikarna, who was brave enough to stand up against his brothers? What of their children? What of those innocent soldiers who absolutely have nothing to do with the entire matter? Why should a child lose his father, a wife lose her husband, parents lose their child? For what? To War? Just because of a throne?

"How? I know they will not let the matter go so easily!" said Karna, his brows furrowed. His question brought me out of my rather heavy thoughts.

"Of course not. Shakuni lost his legs. He will either stay completely quiet or simply do something that leads to his death. Dusshasan lost his hand to my blade. Over that, while we are in Vanvaas...our Kingdom and wealth are monitored by Kanha and dau. Only if we get caught during our incognito year, do they have any chance of trying to get our wealth and Kingdom! Do you think Duryodhan will stay quiet, even after all this?"

"Nope. Out of everything, he will want war," he said, a sad smile on his face.

"It may not be war, though," I hummed softly after speaking.

He turned completely towards me.

"What do you mean? Why do I feel like you have a plan?" I heard him ask.

I smirked a bit, my red lips stretching.

"Because I have a plan. It's in the starting point though."

"What is it?" I could almost feel his hope and slight excitement.

I walked away from him slowly as I spoke, a mischievous smile playing on my red lips.

"Aha! Not so soon. Only when the time arrives shall you know, dearest husband. For now, stop pondering about it. Otherwise, you will get wrinkles and grey hairs before you even become a grandfather."

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