35. A fun-filled Day.

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Laughter is the best medicine.

The Sun rose as it does every day. It's light spreading over the entire earth. The breeze blew
gently, over the flowers and the trees. The leaves danced happily and played with the breeze.
The entire Nature hummed happily. Court in Hastinapur was in session as usual. Maharaja Dritharashtra sat on his throne. Beside him was his trusted aid, Sanjay. Mahamahim Bhishma sat on his own throne. Karna sat on the  Yuvraja's throne. Mahamantri Vidur was also present. Every courtier was present, except one - Shakuni.

They all started the proceedings, without waiting any longer for him. All of them wondered
where was the King of Gandhar. Usually, he would be the first person present within the court.
Karna smirked in his mind, keeping a impassive face outside. Bhishma, Vidur and Maharaja
was confused at the sudden absence of Shakuni. The session was about to end, when a harried looking Shakuni ran inside the court. His clothes were haphazardly worn. His crown missing. His eyes had fear in them.

" What is the meaning of this, Shakuni? " said Bhishma, utterly bewildered, why his nemesis
was dressed like a mad man. Shakuni looked at Bhishma, and screamed terribly. Bhishma's eyes widened. What was going on?

" Shakuni! Chal kya raha hai? Why are you screaming?" asked Maharaja, beyond annoyed at
him. As it is, his eldest son was angry with him, on top of that Shakuni was creating a ruckus. Shakuni then turned to Maharaja, then he blinked.

" Jijashree, from when did you become a farmer? Does my sister now have to live like a farmer's
wife? No, no...I won't allow that to happen. I won't, won't." muttered Shakuni. He went on to
mutter 'I won't ' continuously to himself. His eyes wide with confusion and he had a crazy look
to him.
" Kya bol kya rahe ho, tum? Hum Kisaan kab ban gaye? Tatshree, what is he speaking about?
I don't look that different, do I ?" said Maharaja, absolutely confused.
" Nehi, putra! You look like your usual self! I don't know what is going on with Shakuni! Vidur,
please make sure all the courtiers leave and the family members stay!" ordered Bhishma, his
eyes taking Shakuni's dress and posture.
Vidur made sure all the courtiers left, leaving only Maharaja, Bhishma,Karna and Vidur,
himself. Of course, Shakuni was still there. He was still muttering that he won't allow his sister to stay as a farmer's wife.
Karna had to stop himself from laughing out loud. He adopted an appropriate concerned look.

" Mamashree! Are you alright? " asked Karna, his voice seemed as if he was genuinely
concerned. He was curious though, what Shakuni will see him as! Shakuni looked at him, and then shielded his face.
" Oh! Surya dev, you are very bright! Please reduce your radiance and heat!" said Shakuni, his
voice simpering. Karna looked shocked, but inside he was laughing. Bhishma and Vidur was blinking and shared a look.

" Kya bol rahe ho? Surya dev kab aye? " asked Maharaja, wondering if really a devta was
present in front of him.
" There is no Surya dev, tatshree. Mamashree happens to think I am Surya dev, which is
obviously not true, even though I am flattered." explained Karna, his lips fighting a smile.

" Vidur, go in front of Shakuni!" said Bhishma, an idea forming in his brains. Vidur nodded.
" Gandhar raj! " called Vidur. Shakuni turned towards him. Shakuni blinked and then shook his head.
" From when do you have an animal's head? Your head is so small." said Shakuni, in childlike
wonder. He reached out his hand to touch Vidur's cheek. Before he could do so, though Vidur
hid behind Bhishma.
" Help, tatshree! " whispered Vidur, as he hid. What happened next shocked everyone. Shakuni, took hold of Bhishma's beard and was marveling at it's texture.
" It is silk, that also in silver! I want my Dhoti to be made with this material." said Shakuni,
still running his hand over Bhishma's white beard.

Bhishma eye's were wide and he was gaping. Karna stifled his laugh. Maharaja was utterly
confused and Vidur was looking at the scene in shock.
" Shakuni, choro! " said Bhishma, as he removed his beard from Shakuni's hand as fast as he

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