51. Leap : 12 Years Hence!

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Overview of Aryavart in these 12 years:-

The entire Aryavart fell under the jurisdiction of Indraprastha following the completion of the Rajsuya Yagna, conducted with the blessings of Shri Krishna. Despite Karna and Advika assuming the roles of Samrat and Samragyi of Aryavart, familial dynamics remained unchanged. The sole modification was Kunti relocating to reside with her sons and daughters-in-law.

A significant shift occurred in the political landscape of Aryavart due to the liberal perspectives held by both Karna and Advika. The governance of the entire Aryavart was collaboratively managed by the six brothers. Karna oversaw Indraprastha, Yuddhisthir managed the northern Kingdoms, Bhima governed the western regions, Arjun handled the eastern Kingdoms, Nakul took charge of the southern domains, and Sahadev dealt with the allied Kingdoms of Indraprastha. Each brother governed a portion of the vast empire, recognizing the impracticality of Karna handling everything alone. They all served as viceroys or representatives of Indraprastha. In the council, they functioned as representatives of the respective Kingdoms under their purview. For instance, Yuddhisthir represented the Northern Kingdoms within the council, and so forth.

Various significant events unfolded in Indraprastha that resonated throughout Aryavart, evoking both outrage and awe. For instance, Advika held not only the position of Samragyi but also served as the Mahamahim of the Indraprastha council. Her opinions and political insights were highly sought after within the council, with her husband and brothers regularly seeking her advice on political and kingdom-related matters. The Mahamahim(s) from various kingdoms approached Advika for assistance, and her brothers-in-law conveyed their messages to her.

Devanshi assumed the role of the women's representative in the council, overseeing all affairs related to women. Many found the calm, polite, yet fiercely determined Yuvrani of Indraprastha more approachable than their Samragyi, as Advika symbolized power and empress-like authority. Devanshi acted as a channel for justice for the women in the empire; those facing injustices could contact her, and she would bring the matter before the council for judgment.

Vandita took charge of agriculture within the council, ensuring that all citizens had an abundance of food and water. After consulting with Advika and Krishna, she implemented various systems and fail-safes to protect food crops and vegetables from pests or natural calamities. In times of drought or food shortages within the empire, Vandita's responsibility was to ensure the timely delivery of food grains to affected kingdoms. Additionally, during wartime, she oversaw the collection of food grains for the armies and their proper storage.

Draupadi assumed the role of treasurer in the council, managing both family and kingdom finances. All financial matters were under her purview. Draupadi played a crucial role in regulating the power of moneylenders, subjecting them to the laws of the kingdom regarding finance. She also ensured that no one was cheated out of their money by moneylenders, reviewed the financial statements of the empire, and worked to ensure the thriving of the economy.

Kalyani served as the spokesperson for the traders within the council, overseeing trade and commerce, and managing businessmen under her jurisdiction. Known for her exceptional negotiation skills, she effortlessly created win-win situations, orchestrating financial transactions that filled the treasuries of both the Kingdom and the empire, as well as the family's personal treasury. Kalyani organized trade fairs where all kingdoms participated, contributing to their economic prosperity.

Vritika, well-versed in various laws and scriptures, collaborated with Karna and Advika to formulate laws for both the empire and the Kingdom. She specialized in dealing with lawmakers and laws related to criminals or petty thieves, ensuring that no outdated laws persisted within the Kingdom or the empire. Vritika held the vital role of being the law advisor in the council.

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