64. The Solution to War.

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The court in Matsya Desh was in session when a soldier announced that Dwarkadeesh Shri Krishna would be arriving in the court within an hour. This caused immense shock and amazement. Matsya Desh was a small kingdom, almost insignificant compared to Indraprastha, Dwarka, Mathura, Kashi, Panchal, and Hastinapur. Its people, though, were very down-to-earth, having no contempt for anyone and living by the principle of 'Let others and yourself live.'

Everyone had heard tales of the Royals of Dwarka, of Krishna, of Balrama, and of Dwarka's princesses Mayuri and Subhadra. They heard of how Dwarka had a very strong connection to both Panchal and Indraprastha, as Princess Advika was also the Samragyi, being married to Samrat Karna, while Princess Subhadra was the Maharani of Panchal, being married to Dhristadyumna. Samrat Karna's brothers were also married to the princesses of Panchal, making this trio of kingdoms a tight-knit one.

The people of Matsya Desh had never seen them, while King Virata had seen the family of Indraprastha and Shri Krishna during the Rajsuya Yagna completion and the coronation, only once. To hear that such a revered person was coming to his kingdom was a bit jarring for King Virata. He immediately went to inform his queen.

"Maharani, start preparations as fast as possible. Shri Krishna, Dwarkadeesh himself, is arriving in our palace in an hour," said Virata upon entering, where his wife and children were.

"WHAT?" yelled all three of them.

"Maharaja, are you sure? Why haven't you told me before? Oh no! Uttara, come, we have much to do!" rambled Sudeshna.

"Maa! Maa! Calm down! Pitashree, do you know why such a holy and influential person is visiting our kingdom? I mean, you haven't invited him and forgotten to inform us about it, have you?" asked Uttara, being a bit suspicious. Sudeshna glared at her husband, daring him to say 'yes' to what Uttara was saying. Maharaja Virata nodded negatively with a bewildered look.

"I haven't invited him or anyone for that matter! I don't know why he is coming here, but we shouldn't let a guest be ignored, should we?" clarified Virata.

"Who is ignoring a guest? Come, Uttara! We have much work to do! God knows where Sairandhri is when you need her!" muttered Sudeshna before hurrying off, with Uttara running after her.

"Now that I think about it, I haven't seen Brihannala anywhere either!" commented Uttar as he came to stand beside his father.

"Hmm, I believe Kanak was absent in the court too, which was weird, as the man was always present, never taking leave," thought Virata, with a furrow on his temple, as he absentmindedly nodded at his son.


Alta painted fingers twinged the jhumkas, and painted lips formed a gorgeous smile. The mirror reflected a handsome man smiling back, love clear in his eyes. His kundals glinted in the light, making his face radiant.

"Bhabhishree?" called another female, a soft smile on her face, eyes sparkling with happiness.

"Come in, Vritika," said Advika with a smile, while Karna gave a soft smile at his sister-in-law.

"I hope I did not disturb!" said Vritika, a bit mischievously.

"If we were doing something, I would have closed the doors with a 'don't disturb' sign," said Karna, rolling his eyes at the question. Advika gaped at the reply, while Vritika giggled.

"Don't listen to him. He is getting bold and shameless in his old age," said Advika, focusing on wearing the bangles. Vritika giggled a bit more but nodded. Karna snorted at the response, "You have been calling me old for years, my dear! Pray tell how old am I exactly?"

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