50. Deepavali : the festival of lights!! (Part 2)

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The grand temple was adorned with an array of precious jewels. Inside, well-organized seating arrangements had been prepared for the guests. The idols of the Trimurti and Tridevi—Brahma and Saraswati, Vishnu and Lakshmi, and Shiva and Parvati—were placed prominently. The havan kund, a sacred fire pit, was positioned in a circular manner. Maharishi Vashistha and Devi Arundhati were seated at the center of the kund, while the brothers and their wives occupied the surrounding seats, taking part in the havan and puja.

The proceedings continued smoothly. All the guests sat in a circular formation, participating in the havan. Subsequently, everyone had the opportunity to perform the Aarti. Prasad, blessed offerings, were distributed, and soon after, everyone made their way to enjoy lunch.

Meanwhile, Bhagwan Parshurama, Maharishi Vashistha, and Devi Arundhati departed soon after offering their respects during the puja.

After lunch, most of the guests departed to celebrate the festival of lights in their respective kingdoms. One by one, they bid their farewells. First, the grandparents of the brothers, as well as Ambalika, left. Then, Panchal Maharaja Drupad and his party departed, followed by Ashwathama and Guru Drona. Finally, the people from Hastinapur, including Shakuni, also took their leave. Gandhar raj was particularly relieved, as he had felt the watchful gaze of Parshurama throughout the entire puja.

Among the Dwarka guests, Vasudeva, Rohini, and Devaki departed, leaving the three siblings behind. Advika had asked them to stay, and Vasudev, unable to refuse his daughter's request, had agreed. Subhadra was also quite excited about staying.

All the guests were captivated by the beauty of the city. The elders were delighted and impressed by the brothers, except for Dhritarashtra and Shakuni. Among the younger attendees, most were awestruck, except for Krishna and Balrama, who were familiar with the splendor of Dwarka. Duryodhan and Dussashan, on the other hand, were consumed by jealousy and greed. They were far from pleased and were already plotting to expedite Duryodhan's coronation, having witnessed the success of the six brothers.

By evening, the entire palace was aglow with diyas, creating a stunning display of light. Rangolis adorned with diyas added to the festive atmosphere. Advika herself took the time to light several lamps, enhancing the palace's beauty.


As the day had been filled with duties and managing the needs of the guests, everyone decided to reconvene in the common room in the evening for some relaxation and quality time together. They had barely had a moment to just be themselves. After the lamps were lit, everyone went to change into fresh attire before gathering in the common room.

Advika was already present in the room, having arranged snacks, sweets, and water for everyone. One by one, her sisters entered the room, accompanied by Subhadra.

"Bhabhishree, can we help with anything?" Vandita asked as they approached.

"No, dear. Everything is already taken care of. Let's sit and wait for the men to arrive," Advika replied.

"This is not fair, Jiji!" Subhadra protested.

"What's not fair, Subhadra?" Advika inquired as everyone settled into the comfortable chairs.

"They all left, saying that girls take a lot of time to get ready, and they wouldn't be late. Now look at them, who's late?" Subhadra complained.

"That's true, bhabhishree!" Kalyani added, pouting.

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