20. Finally the reunion!

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Everyone makes different choices. We become different when we choose something right. (# Krishna Quotes # )

Bhishma blew his conch. The beautiful sound silenced every single noise. Karna and Arjuna turned to face the open balcony.

"With the win of the last competition, the Kala Pradarshan comes to an end. I humbly thank every single one of the participants, for participating. The winners of each competition please stay behind, while the rest of the citizens and guests of Hastinapura, you are requested to leave the arena in peace. I thank our esteemed guest, the warrior sage Guru Parshurama, for his divine presence. By taking the Supreme Lord Narayana's name, I hereby announce the end of Kala Pradarshan." announced Bhishma.

All the citizens of Hastinapura left the arena, chattering and talking among themselves excitedly. On their tongue the names of the six brothers can be heard as they spoke among themselves. Radha and Adiratha was hesitating to leave, since Karna would be here.

"Aap aur Kaka prasthan kijiye Kaki! I will stay back." said Advika, seeing the hesitance on Radha's face.

"Dhanyavad putri! " said Radha, her smile grateful.

"Kya kaki? You call me your daughter, yet say thank you? Who thanks their child?" complained Advika. Radha and Adiratha laughed at her complain. They blessed her before leaving the arena. Advika looked down to the arena to see Karna looking right at her. She signaled she was coming down. He nodded subtly back.

Karna, on the other hand, wondered what did Mahamahim Bhishma wants. He did not know there were any gifts, that will be given for winning. There were no announcements of such. He looked towards the stands to see Advika sending his parents home. She signaled, she was coming down. Good! he thought. He really did not want to meet any royals without her beside him. He needed a familiar face around here, who was not his Gurudev.

He wondered, what was his Gurudev up to now?

He heard a call from the back. He turned to see the five princes standing behind him. He had forgotten about Arjuna and the other four.

That made him remember, the certain hug. He really did not know, what made him bring the younger man in a hug. Though he meant what he said to him. He was not the impulsive kind, neither was he someone, who went around hugging random people.

'Okay, not exactly random', thought Karna. He was speaking with them for the past four to five hours. So he kinda knew them.

He looked at the five who was standing in front of him. Yuddhisthira, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula and Sahadeva stood side by side in front of Karna. They did one thing that shocked Karna the most.

All of them touched his feet together. Karna blinked and then gulped. His hands lifted reflexively to bless them.

"Kalyan ho!" he intoned.

By that time the other royals had also arrived down in the arena. Gurudeva Parshurama was also standing with them, a small smile on his lips. Advika also arrived standing beside Karna. Karna shot her a grateful look, confusion in his eyes. She gave an assuring look. The Pandavas shot her a smile, which she returned.

Bhishma smiled as he approached the man. He was very pleased. The objective of the competition has been achieved. The lost prince has been found. He had been simply amazed when his grand nephew's armor appeared. The mere radiance Karna was giving off at that time...it had no words to describe. He was also glad that his Gurudeva, Parshurama was Karna's teacher as well. He knew Shakuni or even Dritharashtra will try to cast doubts on his upbringing.

This will at least derail most of them. He also noticed the female beside, wondering who she was! He also noticed how both of them stood close to each other, and their eye-talk. She seemed to know Karna well, to decipher what he was saying in a glance. The female was a warrior. She was very beautiful as well. Her mere way of standing was that of a tigress ready to defend and attack, if she sensed a threat.

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