16. A new brother! Let's find him

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If try hard, anything is possible. The word Impossible says I am possible.

The daas left after he informed Kunti. Kunti had smiled a small smile at the news, hoping something good will happen. Her heart beats were fast. It fell up and down, a nervousness in her face clearly visible.

"Putri Kunti? " Bhishma asked, a bit curious.

Kunti took a deep breath in and out. She will have to say it either way.

"Tatshree, I have many spys in Hastinapura in and around the area as well to see if ever my eldest child returns. My husband checked everywhere, but Hastinapura, I wanted to see if he was here! So, I sent people to keep an eye out!" Kunti said.

Bhishma nodded agreeing as it was effective solution long term. The Pandavas looked among each other, thinking it is a nice solution. Kauravas looked among each other as well, thinking if their Kunti Kaki knew about their deeds.

A shiver passed down their spines. Shakuni frowned at the information. Duryodhan looked at Kunti in horror.

"So, what did the daas say, Kunti?" asked Maharaja, after a moment of silence.

"He said one of my spy wants to meet me! Jyesht, Tatshree, will you give permission?" questioned Kunti, a bit hesitant.

"Avashya Putri! " Bhishma assured instantly.

"Of course, Kunti, bulao guptachaar ko." said Maharaja.

Kunti nodded again gestured towards the daas and he left to bring the spy. After a few minutes the daas entered with the spy. The spy was dressed in black with a scarf covering his head and face.

Bhishma said, " Bolo, guptachaar kya khabar laye ho! "

Shakuni thought that this spy better gives bad news. The information about the Pandavas having an elder brother, he eldest of both Kauravas and Pandavas, had messed up his plans. He had no idea how this unknown variable will react. He hoped this eldest child is never found.

And above that his brother-in-law had literally ordered him to stay silent! He can't even cast any doubts here!

Kunti prayed to whatever God was listening, to help her get her child back.

"Pranipat! Rajmata Kunti, I have seen a man who seems to match your description of the Yuvraja!" the spy spoke.

Bhishma's and Kunti's eyes widened. A faint hope glittered in her eyes. Vidur looked happy to meet a new nephew.

Shakuni gritted his teeth, cursing God! Duryodhan had annoyance and a slight fear written in his face. He did not want to lose the throne of Hastinapura.

Maharaja and Maharani looked a bit shocked, but smiled nonetheless. Dritharashtra is still insecure, he knew his son had no chance of getting the throne of Hastinapura. With the revelation of eldest, his court and neither his Tatshree will allow anyone else to become the Yuvraja. He did not want to deny his nephew his birth right, but his love and moh towards his son, was also making him a bit scornful. He shook his head subtly. He will think all about conflicting emotion later. Now is the time to find the eldest son of his younger brother. This was his his anuj's last wish, he will fulfill it. He loved his brother after all.

The Pandavas had hopeful smile on their faces. They wanted to find about their eldest brother. Yuddhisthira thought how nice it would be that he could look up to someone. Who would help him and take off his burden...Who would speak with him and help him understand Dharma. Who would not compel him to do something he did not want to do... Who would guide him and give him a father's love...

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