57. Jayadratha.

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In the sky, a huge bird was flying. In its claws, there was a child—a human child who was crying for help.

"Bhabhishree, what is this?" asked Vritika, a shocked look on her face. She clutched Gaurav to her chest, who was still miraculously sleeping.

Advika's brows furrowed as she looked upwards towards the bird. Something was amiss. She was sure of that. A glint of red caught her eye, making a knowing glint appear in her eye.

"Bhabhishree, Vritika? We heard a scream and a cry for help," called Kalyani as she came out of the hut. Draupadi was also standing, leaning on the hut wall. Her brows furrowed.

"Look up, jiji. A bird is taking a boy away," said Vritika, gesturing towards the sky.

Kalyani and Draupadi's eyes widened as they saw the bird and the child.

"We should help the child," said Draupadi immediately.

Kalyani and Vritika nodded along.


All three of them turned towards Advika, who looked towards them with a stern look.

"But bhabhishree..." protested Kalyani but fell short in front of Advika's stern glare.

"You three will do nothing regarding the boy. I will go. Your first duty is to make sure the children here are safe. I have a bad feeling," said Advika as she gave Harshada, who was sleeping soundly in her arms, to Kalyani.

Thankfully, Harshada did not stir from her sleep.

"You shouldn't go alone, though, Bhabhishree!" said Draupadi, her concern clear as day.

"Shant behena! Nothing will happen to me. I will be fine.  You will stay inside with the children. Kalyani, the children and you, Draupadi, Vritika, will stay within my hut, as the window is strategically placed. You can keep watch of the entrance from there, but no one will see you."

Advika gave out instructions one by one. All three of them nodded in acknowledgment.

She told Kalyani to follow her to the entrance.

"Kalyani, be very careful. I have a very bad feeling. This entire thing sounds like a trap to me. I will create a sightless barrier around the ashram. Anyone who has bad intentions toward any person of this ashram will not be able to enter. You are free to move out. Do not come out until I return. Alright?" said Advika with a stern look.

Kalyani nodded as she watched Advika leaving the periphery of the ashram. A beautifully crafted bow appeared in Advika's hand. She stretched the string to its maximum tension, and a divine arrow materialized. She released it, and it dissolved into a huge dome covering the entire ashram before disappearing into the earth.

Advika gave a nod to Kalyani before turning to leave.


Advika's POV:-

I don't know why, but I feel a ploy at work here. I hope the children and the girls are safe.

I looked at the sky. The bird was flying over the plains now, and I followed it, my mind going back to what I had noticed earlier.

A red tint. I couldn't see clearly, but there was a red tint in the eyes of the bird. That meant the bird was an Asura (demon) in disguise. A shape-shifting Asura. Or an illusion! It could be either.

I wondered why the boy would be kidnapped. Was it a diversion? Possible. But why? For whom? I am glad I kept the protection. It will help them at least. Nakul should arrive by then.

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