61. New normal - Agyatavas.

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Two months passed swiftly.

Their incognito year was successful, at least for now.

Karna had gone by the name of Vrisha, as no one had any idea about this name. Though he was not a part of the court, as their primary and only blacksmith, he came across all sorts of people. One of them was the commander of the Matsya desh's army, Keechak. He was the brother of Queen Sudeshna. He was a weak warrior compared to them, so Karna wasn't worried much. But what bothered him was that Keechak was a tyrant in nature. He collected obscene amounts of taxes from the common people; if they couldn't pay, then their punishments were very atrocious. Males were forced to join the army until they paid off their debt, while girls either became servants or were forced into marriage with Keechak.

They got a front-row seat to such a situation. Advika had been very furious, so furious that Karna had to stop her. Vandita was no less. His sister-in-law was just as furious. While Karna had been busy stopping Advika, Vandita had thrown a rock discreetly at Keechak, making him bleed. Karna had understood the reason, but they needed to think of themselves too. Because of that act, no one had been able to meet with the others. Matsya desh was on high alert, as Keechak started becoming paranoid. But after two months of no success in finding the culprit, everyone, including Keechak, had relaxed. It was night, a new moon night. It was dark all around, especially at midnight.

Twelve figures arrived at the clearing. The entire family had assembled in their new getup.

"Everyone here?" mumbled Karna softly.

"Yes, jyesht," answered Yuddhisthir just as softly.

"Is everything alright?" asked Nakul, as no one had been able to meet with each other at all.

"Yes," answered Arjun, eyes already adjusting to the darkness.

"Enough! No one will talk any longer. Hold hands and form a chain. I found an underground cave where we can meet and talk freely," ordered Advika.

All did as told. Advika in the lead, led them to the cave. It had a mashal placed on the wall, even though no fire. As they arrived, Advika muttered, "Dhanyavad Maa."

"Devanshi, love, will you mind?" asked Yuddhisthir as he gestured to the mashal.

Devanshi nodded and created fire in the mashal with ease.

"Finally, we can see each other," said Nakul, dramatically. Everyone gave him fond looks. They had missed his dramatic nature a lot.

"I have an important matter to discuss and inform," said Draupadi, her voice serious. Devanshi nodded as well from beside her. Arjun and Yuddhisthir stiffened as well.

"We also have something to speak about," informed Vandita, her eyes holding a slight hint of anger.

"Okay then, how about we start with what happened to Keechak?" suggested Bheem, softly.

"Yes. That annoying problem. Vandita was the one who threw the stone," said Karna, softly. "And I should have burned his tongue," said Vandita, still furious.

"What happened?" asked Vijaya, softly.

Advika explained what had happened, how the proposal of Keechak marrying the poor farmer's underage daughter came to the farmer when he was not able to pay the obscene amount of taxes. How Keechak threatened and was about to whip the farmer because he had denied Keechak's proposition when Vandita had thrown the stone, making blood ooze out of his head and making him unconscious.

"You should have killed him, love. He doesn't deserve to live," said Bheem, eyes red in anger, but Vandita's hand on his arm stopped him. Vandita herself was disgusted. She was glad she stayed with Jyesht; otherwise, who knows what would have happened.

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