44. Disaster successfully avoided.

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Words once spoken can never be taken back, be careful of what you speak.

After Duryodhan's exclamation, silence filled the air.

King Drupad was overjoyed to see Karna, his smile shining brightly. He then turned to look at the other five individuals, who were standing beside each of his daughters. Yuddhisthir was with Devanshi, Bhima with Vandita, Arjun with Draupadi, Nakul with Kalyani, and Sahadev with Vritika.

Krishna smiled mischievously, yet his eyes sparkled with happiness and knowledge. Balrama, on the other hand, wore a small smile, aware of his brother's actions and Leelas.

Devanshi, Vandita, Draupadi, Kalyani, and Vritika looked at each other, feeling a bit confused. They couldn't figure out who the male stranger was or who their chosen husbands were. Seeking clarity, they turned towards Shikandini, who reassured them with a happy smile, calming their nerves. Deciding to wait for more information, they remained patient.

Duryodhan was sweating and panicking. He believed they were supposed to be dead, so their unexpected presence left him hoping it was all just a dream. Without Shakuni Mama to save him, he cursed the fact that his maternal uncle couldn't come along due to an urgent matter in Gandhar. Now, with them alive, his throne was at risk of being snatched away. He couldn't allow that to happen. But he felt lost about how to deal with this situation.

"So, Duryodhan, what were you saying?" asked Karna, raising his eyebrow.

"Me? N-nothing, Jyesht!" stuttered Duryodhan, his eyes showing a hint of confusion.

Karna found this situation amusing, something he hadn't expected. He glanced at his brothers. Yuddhisthir had a small smile, Bhima, Nakul, and Sahadev were grinning, while Arjun had a smirk. It seemed they were all enjoying themselves too.

With all eyes on him, Karna walked confidently towards King Drupad. The radiance of Karna and his brothers was so evident that anyone could see it. They were truly divine and exceptionally good-looking, unmatched by most men.

"Pranipat, Maharaja Drupad!" greeted Karna, joining his hands in respect.

"Pranipat, Yuvraja Karna," replied Drupad, beaming with a bright smile.

Karna fought back a bright smile of his own. Drupad's address of him as Yuvraja was a subtle insult directed at Duryodhan, who currently held that position. Duryodhan seemed to be fuming, as observed by Karna.

"Maharaja, I hope you are not disappointed with my brothers as your sons-in-law?" asked Karna, amusement shining in his eyes.

"No, no, Yuvraja!! I am very pleased and happy. My daughters are most fortunate to have such men as their partners," said Drupad, his smile still radiant.

"I am glad. I wish to request your permission to take your daughters to meet Maa before their marriage to my brothers," asked Karna.

"Yuvraja, please don't embarrass us! They are your Kulvadus.. I can never say no!" said Drupad, scandalized at the mere thought of refusing.

"Dhanyavad, Maharaja. Please ask them to meet us in the temple near the forest. Agiya dijiye!" said Karna with a hint of a smile. He glanced at Krishna and Balrama, giving them a soft smile, which they wholeheartedly returned.

Shikandini, along with various daasis and sakhis of the girls, came forward to escort the princesses away for freshening up.

When the princesses left, Karna gestured to his brothers, and they all left together. The hall erupted into whispers and excited chatter, leaving Maharaja Drupad and the Dwarka duo to deal with the aftermath.

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