27. Two Proposals Clash!!

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Follow your heart, it always chooses right!

The following morning brought feelings of anxiety and nervousness in two souls. While all the others were in a joyous mood. The birds chirping in the gardens of the palace and the trees gently swaying magnified the happy mood for the inhabitants.

Shakuni strode through the majestic hallways of the vibrant palace of Hastinapur. The entire palace was decorated like a beautiful princess, as if the wedding was today itself. Shakuni gritted his teeth and clenched his jaw, his aura terrifying. He could not belief his ears when he had heard the upcoming alliance of marriage between Rajkumar Karna and Advika, the Prithvi kumari. This made the Pandavas even more stronger. First, they got an elder brother, who was very powerful, and secondly, they managed to gain another powerful female as their sister-in-law. He had tried to dissuade Maharaja Dritharashtra, wanting that female on the Kauravas side, but his fool of a brother-in-law, could not do anything.

The soldiers shared uneasy looks behind Shakuni's back, wondering what had the GandhaRaj in such a foul mood. They simply bowed when he passed and went out of their way, not wanting to invite their wrath.

Shakuni did not give heed to anyone. He entered the outer Chamber, of his brother-in-law's room, to find the blind king sitting on a chair, as his help Sanjay, explained something to him.

"Pranipat Jijashree! " greeted Shakuni.

"Pranipat Shakuni! Is there something you needed?" asked Dritharashtra.

"Nehi nehi! I just heard that Rajkumar Karna's marriage was fixed with the Prithvi kumari. I just came to verify the news, from a reliable source " said Shakuni.

"Yes, tatshree agreed to the marriage between both, when Kunti proposed it. Anyway their marriage will be a profitable alliance, and the Kuru vansh will get a able kulavadu." said Dritharashtra.

"Yes, yes, of course. I was just thinking, why the sudden decision of marriage? Perhaps, thereis some reason behind it? I mean the girl may not be chaste, I hope you get my meaning, jijashree." said Shakuni, trying to ignite doubts.

Before Dritharashtra could even reply or think about the statements clearly, a sharp and angry voice rang out in the chamber,

"Shakuni, maun raho! The girl you are trying to discredit is the would be daughter-in-law of this lineage. How dare you speak such words against the daughter of Devi Prithvi? Have you no shame?" asked Bhishma, his voice furious.

Bhishma had come in to see Dritharashtra, to speak with him on some Kingdom works, when he heard such poisonous words, spoken by Shakuni.

Shakuni winced at the interruption by his most hated enemy, Bhishma. This Bhishma was destroying his plot one by one. The Pandavas were growing too powerful, with Advika joining their side now.

While Dritharashtra stayed silent in front of his Uncle's anger. He knew if he spoke, he would be in great trouble with his tatshree, and not to mention the pandavas would be furious too. He did not wish to invite their anger. All of Kunti's sons were majestic warriors, from Karna to Sahadev.

"I was just expressing my doubts, Mahamahim. She is just a commoner, after all." said Shakuni.

"Your doubts have been heard and dismissed. You can leave, now. I have some kingdom related work to discuss!" said Bhishma, his voice tightly controlled to not show his anger .

"Ji Mahamahim." said Shakuni, with his gritted teeth. He felt his anger at Bhishma increase. Bhishma knew he had to get Shakuni out of Hastinapur, for a while. He also knew that this sly cunning fox would do his best to not let any function in the palace go peacefully. He would try to create discord as much as possible. Shakuni's enmity was with him, not his descendants. As it is he managed to corrupt Duryodhan, to the point of no return, he wont allow him to touch the six brother's reputation. As Shakuni was about to leave, Bhishma called to him.

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