41. Hidimba & Ghatotkach.

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Perhaps what you think is right for yourself, it may turn out to be opposite.

The scenic beauty of nature bespoke of it's sheer magnificence as the sunlight entered the forest
through the leaves. The fluttering sunlight created a beautiful atmosphere within the forest. Kunti, Advika, Karna, Yuddhisthir, Bhima, Arjun, Nakul and Sahadev walked through the
forest leisurely.Kunti halted them as it was time for lunch, and there was a good place to sit
beside the small stream flowing by.

"Jyesht, apko gyaat hai...that there is a Rakshas here in this forest. I got to know from the
villages nearby, when we were passing through." said Arjun.

Karna raised an eyebrow at him, his lips quirking.

" What does that have to do with us? Do you want to fight him?"

" Of course not. Bhrata Bhima is the hothead among us, not me. I remember we are in hiding,

I was just telling the news I found!" said Arjun, having a purely innocent look on his face.

" What do you mean by that Arjun?" roared Bhima.

" Bhima, softly please. We don't want to attract attention." reprimanded Yuddhisthir.

" Ji Bhratashree! Arjun, what do you mean by that?" asked Bhima again, softly. But his eyes
were throwing fire at him, making Arjun gulp.

Before he can answer though, a scream penetrated the forest's calm atmosphere. All of them
stood up shocked.

" It seems like it's a girl!" said Advika, her brows furrowing.

" Yes. Yuddhisthir, Arjun and I will go and see. Baki sab yehi rukiye, hum shigra lotenge! "
ordered Karna, his voice soft yet commanding.

" Sambhalke Putro!! " said Kunti, softly. All three nodded before leaving immediately.


Karna, Yuddhisthir and Arjun walked slowly towards the area from where they had heard the
scream. There eyes widened at what they saw.

A girl of about 20 years were sitting under a tree with two Rakshas with weapons standing in
front of her. Those rakshas were trying to coarse her to go somewhere. There were two corpses
of a male and female, must be the girl's parents.

Karna signaled at Arjun, who launched arrows at lightning speed. They hit the mark, that is,
the veins in the side neck, killing them instantly. Yuddhisthir went towards the girl, trying to
calm her down while Arjun came towards Karna, who were near the corpses.

" Jyesht? "

" Something is wrong. My senses are saying something is terribly wrong here!" said Karna, his
brows furrowed.

" Wrong?" asked Arjun, his eyes narrowed.

" Yes, don't say anything to the girl." said Karna, whispering.

" I won't. Now that I think, something is weird at this place." said Arjun, giving a slight nod.
Karna exchanged a look with Arjun, before going where Yuddhisthir was.

" Devi, aap thik hai? What were you doing here?" they heard Yuddhisthir ask.

" Wo...my parents are nobles, we were traveling to reach our home, when they attac-k-e-d."
said the girl. hiccuping at the last.

" I see. If you want, you can come with us. We are traveling too. We can leave you at the next
town." said Karna, his voice soft.

" Ji Dhanyavad! It would be a great help for me." said the girl, tears still flowing.

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