67. Justice served.

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Today's sunrise will mark the beginning of the punishment for those who had the audacity to raise a hand on a woman's dignity. We have limited the number of warriors to just nine, with no need to prolong the fights.

In the tournament today, our chosen nine warriors were Karna, Yuddhisthir, Arjun, Bheem, Nakul, Sahadev, Dhristadyumna, Shikandini, and myself. On the Kaurava side, the selected warriors were Duryodhan, Dusshasan, Vikarna, Yuyutsu, Pitamaha Bhishma, Acharya Drona, Ashwathama, Jayadratha, and Gandhar raj's son, whom I did not know.

We were gathered in the war tent, all ten of us a bit concerned about the participation of our elders, although not overly worried.

"We need to decide the matchups," stated Karna, his eyes keen and sharp. He was dressed in only a brown dhoti without any angavastra or armor, with two armlets on his arms and his ever-present Kundals as the only jewelry.

"Agreed, Jyesht. I am worried as I don't think any one of us can harm our Pitamaha and Gurudev," said Yuddhisthir, wearing silver and steel armor with a blue dhoti. His gaze was calm, yet his posture showed slight tension.

I sighed, already knowing what Yuddhisthir was thinking. I was glad we had a solution to that.

"Calm down, bharta. Dhristadyumna and Devi Shikandini will fight with Pitamaha and Gurudev, respectively," suggested Sahadev calmly. Dhristadyumna and Shikandini nodded in agreement.

"I want Dusshasan," stated Sahadev, his eyes darkening with fury.

I smiled, "Of course, little brother. I will take Jayadratha."

Karna nodded in agreement. Arjun asked, "What about us?"

Bheem declared, "Whoever you want, take, but leave Duryodhan for me."

Karna and Yuddhisthir exchanged fond smiles at Bheem's declaration, while I simply shook my head.

"Arya, you will be opposite Gandhar raj's son. You know what to do?" I raised an eyebrow in question. He smirked and nodded.

"Vikarna and Yuyutsu against Yuddhisthir and Nakul. That leaves Ashwathama with Arjun, alright?" They all responded with a unanimous "Yes."

"Vikarna and Yuyutsu were forced, weren't they?" asked Nakul, a frown on his forehead.

I nodded, not pleased. Duryodhan would do anything to get what he wants, without considering Vikarna and Yuyutsu's feelings and wishes. I hated it when parents made mistakes, and the blame fell on the child.

"Advika?" called Karna, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Are you alright?" he asked again, coming in front of me. I looked around to find no one there, making my brows furrow.

I questioned rather than answered his question, "Where are the others?"

I saw him raise an eyebrow before his lips turned into a small smirk, "You must have been thinking deeply if you did not sense them leaving."

I sighed but nodded, "It's just...Vikarna and Yuyutsu."

Karna sighed before pulling me into his arms, "Calm down. They will be fine. It's not like this is a war. No one will die. You made sure of that, and my dear, I am sure everything will go according to plan."

I wrapped my arms around him, sighing a bit, "I hope so."

"Why do you think the son of Gandhar raj wants to participate?" he asked.

"Probably to get revenge after what Sahadev did to him," I answered. I said nothing, my mind going through various scenarios. I dismissed those thoughts and snuggled into his arms until I had the chance.

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