45. Khandavprastha.

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Create a win-win situation for others, without letting them realize they got the short end of the

As night descended and the moon's gentle light spread, a call to stop echoed from the front. Vandita breathed a sigh of relief from within the palanquin, as she disliked sitting in one position for an extended period. She eagerly awaited the setting up of the tents.

Devanshi also welcomed the halt for the night, her thoughts drifting to the well-being of everyone, particularly her sisters. Draupadi, Kalyani, and Vritika were not the type to sit still; they were restless. Draupadi, despite her desire to disembark immediately, recognized her newfound responsibilities as a married woman and decided to wait patiently within the palanquin. However, she yearned for some fresh air.

Kalyani struggled to resist the urge to leave the palanquin promptly. She disliked palanquins due to their enclosed spaces, which made her feel suffocated. She hoped someone would soon come to inform her whether it was permissible to step outside.

Vritika's mood soured as the heavy clothes and jewelry pricked her. She longed to change and breathe some fresh air, but that opportunity seemed distant. Impatiently, she waited, anticipating the signal that would allow her to step out.

Karna alighted from his chariot and extended his hand to Advika, who accepted it and descended. The brothers from their respective chariots and horses followed suit, gathering around their eldest brother. Vidur also approached the group. Meanwhile, Kunti remained on the chariot, encircled by her guards.

"Son, we should establish our camp here. We have entered the Kuru Kingdom. By tomorrow afternoon, if we use the chariots, we'll reach the palace by noon," Vidur suggested.

"Yes, Kakashree. Please begin the arrangements. We'll join you shortly," Karna replied with a gentle smile. Vidur returned the smile and departed to oversee the preparations.

"I'll go check on the girls and Mother in the meantime," Advika announced after Vidur's departure. She left in the direction of the palanquins with Karna's nod of approval.

The brothers exchanged glances, and with Karna's signal, they dispersed to attend to their respective duties. Arjun and Bhima set off to secure the perimeter, while Yuddhisthir and Karna joined Vidur to expedite the preparations. Nakul and Sahadev departed to tend to the horses, ensuring they were fed and watered.

Soldiers encircled the entire area for protection, and the flag of the Kuru Kingdom was raised.


"Mother, do you need anything?" Advika inquired as she approached the chariot.

"No, my child, I am fine. The setup shouldn't take too long. Why don't you go and check on the new brides?" Kunti replied with a smile, touched by her eldest daughter-in-law's considerate nature.

"Yes, mother, I'll visit them once I'm done here," Advika responded and handed her a few sweets arranged on a banyan leaf along with a small glass of water. Behind her, the maids carried similar plates with sweets and water.

"Thank you, my dear. But why did you go through all this trouble? You should have rested," Kunti remarked, her exasperation evident as she addressed her daughter-in-law.

Advika simply smiled and said, "Mother, it's my duty. Please finish eating and drink the water. I've noticed that your water intake has decreased in the past few days."

Kunti smiled and nodded in acknowledgment as she began to eat and drink. Advika then made her way toward the palanquin.

"Thank you, O Lord! You have blessed me with such a thoughtful and amazing daughter-in-law. I have nothing to worry about now. She will be the one to keep the entire family together," Kunti whispered as she looked down at the plate containing her favorite sweets.

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