43. The Grand Swayamvar!

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It is our choice which creates our path.

Devanshi and Kalyani arrived at their meeting place to find Draupadi grumbling, Vandita giggling, and Vritika sulking, while Krishna wore a mischievous smile.

"Hum kehe rahe hai, Govind, that man was so infuriating!! He doesn't even wield a bow. Why should he tell me what to do with my bows and arrows? How dare he speak to me in such a way? If I meet him again, I am so going to..." ranted Draupadi, her hands flailing around.

"What will you do?" asked Devanshi, appearing from behind them.

"Jiji, what happened to your face?" asked Vandita, her smile radiating beauty.

"Uh...forget it... Draupadi, kya hua hai?" asked Devanshi, attempting to change the subject.

Krishna smiled with knowing eyes.

"Aur puchiyega mat, jiji. I met two men. One was so nice, but his brother...uff! How rude. I am so going to give him a lecture if I meet him again and complain to his brother," said Draupadi, finally ceasing her rants.

"Poor guy! He's going to be bored to tears," whispered Vritika softly, causing Krishna to chuckle quietly. Vritika smiled at his reaction.

"By the way, Devanshi, you haven't explained how you got turmeric and sindoor on your face," teased Krishna, a mischievous smile lingering on his lips.

Devanshi blushed at the thought.

"Well, we also encountered two men. And one of them, the older man, accidentally bumped into jiji, and then..." Before Kalyani could finish her sentence, Devanshi interrupted.

"Then I had color smeared on my face. He apologized, and I did too. After that, we went our separate ways. That's all," Devanshi explained, glaring at Kalyani, who responded with an innocent smile.

"Okay, we should head back now," suggested Vritika, preempting Krishna from teasing her about her own disappearance within the forest or before her sisters could inquire. Krishna smiled slightly, raising an eyebrow at her. Vritika blushed but followed her sisters as they walked back to the palace.

Krishna smiled serenely before trailing after them.

"It was time," he murmured.


Back in the palace:-[ Next Day ]

Krishna requested a meeting with the Maharaja of Panchal in the early morning. As Krishna entered, Drupad greeted him courteously, saying, "Padhariye Dwarkadeesh! Hum apke liye kya kar sakte hai?" (Welcome, Lord of Dwarka! How may I assist you?) Krishna smiled and replied.

"Maharaja, I believe it is time for your daughters to choose their life partners."

"What? But I just received them. I can't let them go so soon!" exclaimed Drupad.

"I understand your concern, Maharaja, but they have emerged from fire as adults capable of marrying. You need to allow them to choose their own paths from now on. Trust them," patiently explained Krishna.

"Very well, Dwarkadeesh! But... whom should I marry them to?" Drupad asked, his thoughts involuntarily turning towards the six brothers who played a pivotal role in his defeat.

"Don't you have someone in mind?" questioned Krishna, with a knowing glint in his eyes.

"Well... I don't think they will participate!" replied Drupad, feeling a bit despondent.

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