37. Purochana.

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Life is a journey, travel it well.

When the entourage of the Royals of Hastinapur, left the the borders of Hastinapur, it was
evening. The Sun has set, and the night sky was littered with stars.

"Ruko! " came a order from the front.
Every member of the entourage stopped.

"Maa, I think we should rest here. A few miles from here, the forest will start. It is better if we
travel through it, in the morning. I hope you agree, brothers?" asked Karna, as he came to stand
in front of their mother's chariot.
" Yes jyesht, that would be best!" replied Yuddhisthir, as he got down as well.
" And, there is a small river nearby. We can set up tent, there!" said Arjun, getting down from
his horse.
" Then, let us start the preparations immediately. Bhima, stay with maa and Advika, while we
five deal with the arrangements." ordered Karna, looking at Bhima.
" Ji jyesht! " said Bhima, nodding his head.
All the brothers left to deal with the arrangements, while Bhima, Advika and Kunti watched
the preparations. Nakul and Sahadev directed the daas and daasis to bring the tents. There were
total of 4 tents. One for Kunti, one for Karna-Advika, one for Bhima and Yuddhisthir, and one
for Arjun, Nakul and Sahadev. Arjun was dealing with the security details with only 20 soldiers.
Yuddhisthir made sure the arrangements where done as it should be, and everything was placed
perfectly. Karna went to scope out the surroundings.
The arrangements were done for the night. The place looked beautiful, as Kunti and Advika
got down from the chariot. The moon spread its light, as white clouds floated by, revealing clear sky.

It was rather late when they all finished eating. The females did not wait for the males to finish.
All of them ate together.

" Maa, you should go and rest. The journey must have been tiring for you!" said Arjun, as he
sat with his brothers and sister-in-law.
" You all should rest too. We will be starting the journey early tomorrow, won't we?" asked
Kunti, as she made to get up from where they were sitting in front of the river.
" Haa maa. We will start early tomorrow. It will take eight days to reach Varnavrat." said
Yuddhisthir, as he looked at Karna, who nodded.
" Eight days?" asked Bhima shocked.
" Haa bhrata Bhima, that place is pretty far from Hastinapur, but is within the Kuru Kingdom.
It is near the borders, I think." replied Arjun, as he looked at his elder brothers who nodded.
" Oh! That's quite far." said Bhima, with a thoughtful look on his face.

" Well don't stay here too late. Subhratri, putro, putri! " said Kunti, as she smiled at her children.
" We won't maa. Subhratri! " answered Karna, with a smile. There was a chorus of Subhratri
from everyone. Kunti walked back towards her tent.

The seven people sat quitely for a while. Yuddhisthir and Karna exchanged a look with each
other, both wondering whether they should tell or not. Karna looked a bit pensive, but then
nodded resolutely at Yuddhisthir, who nodded as well.
Arjun and Advika had noticed the silent conversation going on between the two brothers. They
exchanged a look with each other.
" Bhrata? Jyesht? " asked Arjun, looking at his elder brothers, wondering what was going on
between them.

Arjun's call had made Bhima, Nakul and Sahadev, look towards Karna and Yuddhisthir's
direction. All of them waited for them to speak.

" Before leaving Kakashree Vidur, said certain things to us." started Karna, his look tensed.

" Kakashree Vidur? About what, jyesht?" asked Nakul, voicing out everyone's thoughts.

" He said three sentences. One, that any weapon that is not made of any material can kill as
well, anyone who knows this will survive. Two, Fire can extinguish the body, but never the
soul. Protect the soul and you will live. Three, If a forest catches fire, it cannot touch the rat or
porcupine who lives and hides within a hole, if one knows how to read the stars. " explained
Yuddhisthir, a frown on his face.

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