42. Love is in the air.

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Love is felt as it is an experience.

Kampilya, Panchal:-

From the day, the princess and prince had arrived, the palace of Panchal had lightened up like a lamp. One can always here the princess's laughter or the noise of their anklets. While the prince could be found pestering his eldest sister about war, battles and any such thing that struck his fancy.

" Pitashree!! " called Shikandini, irritated a bit at constant questions from her brother, whom she knew was up to mischief. Drupad looked up, wondering what had irritated his eldest child again.

" Kya hua putri? "

" Dhristaduymna, tumhare saare prashna ka uttar ab pitashree denge. He is the best in Panchal, the most ferocious warrior even." said Shikandini, a sly smile on her face. Drupad opened his mouth to say something, but before that Shikandini had already left leaving Dhristadyumna behind.

Drupad looked at his son, who was smiling mischievously. This will be a long day, he could feel it.


Shikandini sighed in relief. Now she should check on her sisters. Who knows what they are up to?

She entered their chamber. Yes, only one chamber was for them. The chamber was huge, with beautiful drapes of cloth around. There were 5 beds, beautifully decorated for them. They had
said they wished to stay in one room.

Shikandini found her sisters in different positions around the room. Devanshi was on the
ground sitting and creating rangoli, which was turning out very pretty. Vandita was reading something, a scroll in her hand. Draupadi was in front of the mirror, fascinated by it still, it seems. Kalyani and Vritika were moving around from one place to another. Sometimes going to Draupadi, sometimes to Devanshi and sometimes to Vandita.

" Beheno!!! "

" Pranipat Jiji!!! " came the simultaneous reply.

" So, jiji did Bhratashree finally allow you to leave, so you could visit your sisters for a while?" asked Draupadi, a slight smile on her radiant face.

" Draupadi! " chastised Devanshi, but her beautiful smile made the scolding ineffective.

Draupadi simply giggled while all her sisters chuckled.

" Well, bhrata is a bit excited." commented Vritika.

" Over excited you mean." corrected Vandita.

" Let him be. I left him with Pitashree. So do you all want to do something?" asked Shikandini, shaking her head and smiling at the banter.

" Well..." started Kalyani, looking at her sisters, who all nodded slightly urging her to go on.

" Yes?"

" We want to visit outside the palace jiji. One month had passed, we haven't yet left the  palace..please let us go!" said Kalyani, hoping she would agree.

Seeing the conflicting emotions of their eldest sister, Devanshi got up from the floor. She went
towards Shikandini and took her hands in her own.

" Jiji, I know you are worried about our safety. But jiji, we need to learn about the outside
world too. Why don't you come with us? Or send some soldiers with us?" said Devanshi gently.

" Yes, jiji.Please don't say no!" spoke Draupadi, as she came to stop beside her two elder sister.

" I can't come with you beheno! I have some court work, that I need to finish. Alright, I will send soldiers, and you will listen to them." said Shikandini, not being able to say no, in front
of their soft pleading.

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