31. The start of War with Drupad.

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An eye for an eye leads to more blindness.

The six brothers along with Advika returned to their part of the palace. All of them were in
deep thoughts. They all sat in the central room, that connected all their chambers.

" It is not right." said Arjun, making his brothers and sister-in-law to look at him.

" Kya sahi nehi hai, Arjun? " asked Karna, his brows furrowing.

" The fact that you cannot use your weapons. Why did you agree? And that Mamashree wants
all of the brothers to fight among each other!" said Arjun, fuming with anger.

Before, anyone can say anything, Bhima interrupted.
" I agree. Jyesht why did you stop me? And why did you agree? I believe that he wants to sow
dissent among us!" said Bhima, his words cutting.

" How would he sow dissent among us?" asked Yuddhisthir, his brow furrowed with concern.
Bhima did not say anything but Sahadev replied, " Jyesht bhrata Yuddhisthir, Mamashree Shakuni, said that if the Pandavas won then Yuvraja would be Jyesht. But Jyesht is not allowed to even touch his weapons, in the fight. Look at the situation he created from his viewpoint. He thinks that we would think that the eldest brother who did not even fight, gets to be the crown prince, while we fought the war for him." said Sahadev, explaining.

" But none of us really care for the throne. And if that happens then..." trailed off Nakul, his
eyes widening in horror as he turned to look at Sahadev.

Sahadev nodded a grim look on his face, as he nodded to what his twin was thinking.
" That scoundrel!!" yelled Nakul as he got up. Everyone's eyes widened at his words.
" Nakula! Watch your words!" said Yuddhisthir, his words thundering.
Nakul did not even paid attention to him as he started to pace furiously, his hands clenching
and betraying his anger.

" Shant ho jao saab. Sahadev explain. Nakul sit down. Arjun and Bhima, I will explain in a
moment. Yuddhisthir let's wait to see what has our brother in such a state of anger." said Karna,
his voice authoritative. Nakul sat down, his face still red in anger. Yuddhisthir nodded, though he was still displeased.

All waited to hear about Sahadev's explanation.

" Jyesht, when I said that you are not able to use your weapons and if we win the war, the public
might think, that you need your brothers to win the war for you. And that the Yuvraja might
not be as capable as he should be. Can you see the misconception that might be created? Jyesht
it could deal a lot of damage." explained Sahadev.

The explanation caused all of them to pale, except Karna and Advika. Nakul was already angry
at having connected the dots. Karna simply frowned, while Advika nodded thoughtfully.

" We did not even think about the implication! Jyesht what should we do?" asked Yuddhisthir.
The other five present looked at him.

" Nothing." said Karna, thoughtfully.

" Nothing?" repeated Arjun, blankly. Karna nodded slowly.

" Before that, I have a question. Arya, why is Guru Drona adamant about having revenge on
Maharaja Drupad?" asked Advika, as she looked at Karna.

" You don't know?" asked Karna, raising an eyebrow at her.

" No, I stayed secluded most of the time,in these 15 years." replied Advika. Karna hummed.

" Do any of you know anything regarding this matter?" asked Karna, to his five brothers. They
looked among each other, before Arjun opened his mouth.

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