40. The Boon is Fulfilled!

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Having only one option, is not an option.

On the other hand with Maharaja Drupad:-

Kampilya. The new capital of Drupad's Panchal.

After the division of his huge Kingdom, he had shifted to Kampilya, with his daughter
Shikandini. Drupad paced within the garden, a frown on his face. It's been a year. The same problem had been troubling him ever since. His anger and thirst for revenge again Drona, had almost blinded him with it's intensity. He had somehow, controlled himself.

Shikandini slowly came towards her father, a small frown on her face.

Drupad looked at his daughter, when she approached.
" Shikandini kya hua? Iss samay ane ka koi karan? " asked Drupad.
" Ji Pitashree, kuch samachar aya hai! " said Shikandini, frowning a bit.
" Kaisa Samachar putri? " asked Drupad, wondering what happened again.
" I don't know how this news have not spread throughout Aryavart yet, but the Lakshagriha,
where those six brothers and their mother, wife/sister-in-law were staying have been burned to
the ground." said Shikandini, her brows furrowing. Drupad stared at her for a while, before laughing.
" Pitashree? " asked Shikandini, wondering why her father was laughing like mad.
" Putri, when you grow old like me, and have experience, you will know, why I am laughing."
said Drupad, a chuckle escaping. Shikandini blinked at her father.
" Parantu Pitashree, wo...those brothers..what about them?" asked Shikandini.
" Nothing has happened to them. Don't worry...they are fine, most probably staying in hiding."
said Drupad, smiling a bit.
" Alright, then why the news of their death have not been spread yet? News such as this always
spreads fast!" asked Shikandini, confused.
" Because, Shakuni is one cunning person!" said Drupad.
" Shakuni? Gandhar raj? " asked Shikandini.
" Yes, him. I have kept an eye on Hastinapur for a while. Dritharashtra probably wants his son
to become king, but that was not possible before as Rajkumar Karna was the eldest among all
brothers and after that Rajkumar Yuddhisthir, then his son. That was the line of succession. So,
he probably waited till his son's Yuvraja Abhishek was done, before he released the news of
both about the tragedy and the happiness. " said Drupad, explaining his opinion.
" What does that have to do with Gandhar raj?" asked Shikandini.
" Who do you think feeds Dritharashtra's ears?" snorted Drupad.
Shikandini hid a smile at that.
" So, what now?" asked Shikandini, as she sat.
" I am waiting for the Raj purohitji!" informed Drupad, as he continued to pace, The small
atmosphere was soothing between the father and daughter.

" Why Pitashree? Is there any functions?" asked Shikandini curious.
" No. I asked the Raj Purohitji, how I could get a son who can defeat Drona." said Drupad, as
he stopped in front of his daughter. Shikandini's face fell at that. She quickly arranged her face again.
" Oh! When will the Raj Purohitji arrive?" asked Shikandini, in an indifferent tone.
Drupad smiled a bit at his daughter's indifferent tone.

" Putri, I am not angry on you, dear. You already have a boon that says that you will become
the reason behind Bhishma's death. I can't ask more of you. And secondly we lost the war,
because I lost to Rajkumar Arjun. Over that his brothers destroyed our Chakravyuh and on top
of that the strategy was decided by their eldest brother. I am angry at myself, that I
underestimated them greatly." said Drupad gently.

Shikandini gave a small smile and hugged her father, who hugged her back.
" Maharaja Drupad, Raj purohitji yeha pravesh karne ki anumati chahte hai! " announced the
" Samman sahit unhe yeha leke ao! " said Drupad, as he hugged his daughter a bit more, before
smiling at her.
" Ready for a new brother?" asked Drupad, softly.
Shikandini nodded a bit. Both sat on their respective throne like chair.

As soon as Raj purohitji entered, they stood up to greet him.
" Pranipat Raj purohitji!! "
" Kalyan ho! " came the immediate blessing.
As they all sat, Drupad immediately questioned.
" Have you find a way to get me a son Raj Purohitji?"
" Haa Rajan. Ek marg hai putra prapti ka! PutraKameshti Yagya! " said the Raj purohit.
" Ye to anand ki baat hai Raj purohitji! Please start the preparation for this immediately!" said
Drupad, a happy look on his eyes.
" Ji Rajan." replied Raj Purohitji.
Shikandini smiled seeing her father's happiness and excitement. She had blamed herself at the
defeat, but her father had stopped her and said that he was the one who got defeated not her.

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