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Krishna hummed as he walked towards the room where his most favorite students were staying, with a pot in hand containing Arjun's cooked food.
" May I come in?" called Krishna, standing at the doorway.

All the kids stayed together in a huge room. One side was taken by the males and the other by the females. They enjoyed staying together, so no one had said anything about it.
Kanha found the girls - Aparna, Anaya, and Dhruvi sitting and gossiping with each other, while their brothers - Advait, Mahesh, Virendra, Raghav - were busy with various scrolls and parchment, reading or writing something.
They all looked toward the door when they heard a voice.
" Mamashree, why are you asking for permission? Come in, come in," answered Anaya, with a soft and small smile.
" Pranipat Mamashree," all the kids spoke softly.
" Ayushman bhava! Kirtiman Bhava! Ayushmati bhava, Kirtimati bhava! " blessed Kanha, with a fond smile, as his eyes twinkled with mischief.
" Aap to Mata aur Pitashree ke paas gaye the, na? Kya hua waha par? " asked Mahesh, excitedly.
" Well.....I do bring some good news!" said Kanha, mock serious.
" What good news?" asked Advait, his eyes hopeful. Beside him, all his brothers and sisters leaned in to hear about it.
Kanha kept his serious look on his face for a while, making his nephews and nieces anxious, before he smiled a blindingly bright smile.
" Everyone, your youngest brother, Abhimanyu, has arrived in the world," announced Kanha, dramatically.
A snort was heard from behind Krishna. The kids looked around Krishna to see Balrama snickering.
" What is so funny dau?" asked Kanha, pouting slightly.

" Nothing, little brother. Just tone down the drama a bit, will you?" said Balrama, still snickering.
" Not possible, jyesht mamashree. Pitashree says that Mamashree is the most dramatic person of the world!" murmured Raghav, under his breath.
" Who? Parth?" asked Kanha, with a slightly narrowed eyes.
Raghav nodded.

" I see. Anyway, this is the food that your mothers have sent for you. Let's go, dau!"
With that, Kanha dragged Balrama away, swiftly. He left the pot with the Kids, who were excited to see what their mothers have cooked for them.
" Jyesht, open it fast!" urged Mahesh, already envisioning Laddoos.
" Okay, okay...I am opening it!" answered Advait, with a laugh.
All of them looked inside the pot, only to blink. The food was black in color and mushy, as if a lot of water has been used to make it.
" What is this?" asked Aparna, eyes furrowed.
" Our mothers don't make such hideous-looking food. I believe something is fishy.." commented Raghav.
While they were talking, Virendra looked around, as he noticed Mahesh was missing.
" Everyone, where is Mahesh?" he asked, while the others blinked.


When Mahesh heard Raghav bhrata's comment, he immediately left the room to tail his two Mamashree.
" Kanha, why did you have to use Arjun's food as a prank on the Kids?" said Balrama.
" Because, dau, they were pranked with butter. Secondly, pranks are fun!" said Krishna, happily.
Mahesh hurried back to the room after he heard who had made the food.

" Jyesht, Jyeshtha (big sister), Dhruvi jiji, Anaya Jiji, Bhratao...I found out something!" announced Mahesh as soon as he entered.
" Where were you? Did you know how worried we were?" asked Dhruvi, as she knelt to his height.
" Sorry...but I know who made the food!" said Mahesh.
"WHAT?" yelled the boys, while the girls shushed them.
" Who made it?" asked Advait, eyes furrowed.
" Kakashree Arjun." replied Mahesh, grinning proudly.
" WHAT?" yelled Raghav this time.
" No wonder it looks like something like..." trailed off Dhruvi.
"Like?" asked Virendra curiously, looking at his sister.
" A sludge? Mud? Anything absurd will work as a comparison!" said Dhruvi, rolling her eyes.
" Bhratao, Beheno! What should we do with this?" asked Advait, bringing their attention to the matter at hand.
"Throw it?" suggested Aparna.
" That's the only thing we can do with it, Jyeshtha. I don't understand why Pitashree decided he wanted to become a cook!" commented Raghav, disgruntled.
" I hope Mata keeps Kakashree away from the Kitchen!" muttered Anaya.

Everyone snickered at that.

" The question remains: What are we going to do with this?" asked Virendra, pointing at the pot.
" Why prank Mamashree, obviously!" said Mahesh, with a matter-of-fact tone.


The kids went straight to Rukmini and Satyabhama, both of whom could be found in the kitchen at that time. After telling them what their dearest husbands had left them, both of Krishna's wives had been planning. So, in the evening, sitting in their common room, Krishna and Balrama ate a laddoo each. Their faces held distaste as the laddoos had been stuffed with the very stuffing of Arjun's cooking experiment. Rukmini smiled as she watched Krishna's face.

"So, swami, how is the laddoo? Rukmini jiji and I made them, especially for you both," stated Satyabhama with a mischievous smile.

"They are..." trailed off Kanha, deciding whether he should glare at the kids who were happily gorging on various sweets or answer the landmine that was the question of his wife. Balrama was making nauseous faces.

"What happened, Kanha? The laddoos must be tasty!" said Revati as she picked up a laddoo and took a bite, humming happily at its taste.

"They are delicious, sisters!" said Revati, smiling happily.

"What?" mumbled Balrama, while Kanha's eyes narrowed. Balrama was about to take a laddoo from Revati's plate, only for his hand to be slapped away.

"Swami, eat from your plate! These are mine!" With that, Revati walked off humming happily and Balrama gaping at his wife.

"You did not answer, nath. Satya behena asked a question!" asked Rukmini, smiling gently, though her eyes were twinkling.

Krishna grumbled a bit before answering in a very sweet voice, "They are delicious, priye Satya!"

Satyabhama simply giggled before winking at Rukmini and walking away.

"Good, good...since they are so tasty, Kanha wants to eat mine too! So, here you go laddoos...finish them while I ask Revati to give me more, since you are going to eat mine," said Balrama before running off.

Rukmini chuckled while Krishna gulped at the two plates of laddoos.

"You are evil!" murmured Kanha to Rukmini.

"If me being evil makes you happy, nath, so be it!" answered Rukmini.

Krishna could be heard grumbling even more.

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