14. Finally they meet!

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People say the longer the distance, the heart grows fonder.

As dawn broke out, birds chirped and sang. The people of Hastinapura started to come out of their house and started their daily work. Farmers went to their fields; women started their household chores and men went to their respective works.

A slim and petite figure can be seen approaching from the direction of the trees as she entered the main road leading to the dakshin dwar of Hastinapura Kingdom. Her face covered by a red cloth and only her beautiful kohl laden eyes can be seen.

She approached the gates. She looked around the area and found the guards sleeping. She shook her head and an amused smile spread across her lips behind the cloth. She quietly slipped inside.

She watched as the city she was brought up awaken and the usual hustle bustle increased. Her feet took her around the markets simply watching and moving as people rushed and walked in a hurry.

She smiled as she walked around her home town after fifteen years.


Karna returned after he prayed to the sun. He looked around the small house again. It was the same as it was before. A small backyard at the back. The rooms were sparsely decorated with essential. He sighed happily at the familiar surroundings after so many years.

As soon as he entered, Radha called with a smile. "Putra! Good you came. Come have breakfast! Ajj maine tumhare priye baynjaan banai hai."

Karna smiled seeing his mother's love.

"Coming maa!" he replied back.

He went to his room to keep the kalash. He heard his father's voice coming inside the house.

"Kya baat hai Radha? You have been smiling since yesterday. What has happened to you?"

Adiratha asked, a bit exasperated seeing his wife's smile from the morning.

Adiratha had not known Karna had come home. He was already asleep by then and today he went before Karna woke up.

Karna heard his father's question to his mother. He smirked, a mischievous glint in his eyes. Before Radha can answer her husband's question, a serene, calm and soft voice spoke from behind Radha.

"Mere karan devi ke adhro mei muskan hai. It's not my fault you can't make your wife smile, is it?"

Radha turned around to face Karna. A warning looks on her face, but it was not effective with the sweet smile still playing on her face. Karna did not look at his mother. He was in a staring competition with his father, who had no idea about him.

Radha saw the mischievous glint in his eyes. She felt her smile widen, at her eldest son's antics. He was always like this in his childhood. Troubling her with his mischievousness. He had lost this spark somewhere along the way. But then he had met Advika, and the spark within her eldest was slowly coming back. Then he had left, with his celestial father, and she could not see her son for years.

She was glad he had finally regained the same spark he had when he was small. These fifteen years had been good for him and she was grateful to the Lord Vishnu for helping and protecting her son.

She sent a small prayer to the lord and her heart swelled with happiness.

"Kaun ho tum? What are you doing in my house?" Adirath asked a bit rudely.

"Nam to mere bohot hai, aap konse nam se pukarna chahenge? And about being in your house, well your beautiful wife had prepared my favourite dishes. I can't exactly leave without eating, can I? That would be a wastage! Anna ka apman nehi karna chahiye! " Karna retorted in a dry tone as he went and sat on the chair regally.

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