28. Marriage Preparations.

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Marriage is a bond, made by purity of thought.

Karna was nervous and anxious, wondering if his letter had cleared her doubts. He was speaking with Pitamaha Bhishma about various kingdom works, and looking at the door.

"Putra, even if you look 10 more times, I don't think they will appear from thin air." said Bhishma, looking absolutely amused. He had a small smile on his face.

" Pitamaha! " said Karna, his face flushed.

"I don't see Gandhar raj, anywhere? He is usually the first person to interfere!" said Karna, curious.

"Well I might have sent him back to Gandhar. I cannot stop him from coming to the wedding though. " said Bhishma, a bit sheepish.

Karna looked at Bhishma, then laughed out loud.

 Really? That's amazing. In the wedding I don't really think he can do much, that also in front of you, Pitamaha." said Karna, laughter still in his voice. Bhishma chuckled along with him.

 A dwarpal entered then, "Mahamahim, Rajkumar, Maharani Gandhari along with the others had returned. They are asking for your presence." informed the dwarpal.

" You are dismissed." said Bhishma. Karna had a uncertain look on his face.

"Putra, everything will be fine. Do not worry. Now, let us proceed where they are." said Bhishma, as he stood up.

Karna nodded as he got up. Both proceeded towards the main hall.

Kunti and Gandhari were discussing various things with the Raj purohitji, like the things needed in various rituals and all other important things for the yagya.

"Putri! What is the news?" asked Bhishma as both Karna and him entered.

"Tatshree, the alliance is fixed. The wedding is in 2 weeks. I am so excited!" said Gandhari, a brilliant and happy smile on her face.

"Atyant subh samachar layi ho, putri! " said Bhishma, smiling as well.

Kunti smiled and went straight towards Karna. Her hands reached to cup his cheeks, as Karna leaned on his mother's touch.

"Putra, you have no idea how happy I am. I have never thought I would ever have you back. I had lost hope, long back. Parantu Bhagwan Narayan ki kripa hai, I got my son back. This day has been such a happy one for me, especially since your wedding is coming up." said Kunti, tears in her eyes.

"Maa! " whispered Karna, before pulling Kunti in an embrace. Bhishma and Gandhari smiled at the mother-son duo.

"Now, Kunti do not shed anymore tears. It's a happy occasion. We need to start preparing. From sending invitations, to the cleaning of the palace, to buying gifts, to Brahman bhojan...so many works are there. Kunti, we need to hurry, only 2 weeks and so so many works." said Gandhari, panicking slightly at the end.

"Jiji shant! We will manage. The first wedding of the lineage have to be grand. First, let us take jyesht's permission. Then we will start the preparations. Putra Karna, you go take some rest." said Kunti, as she turned to address her son.

Karna smiled and nodded.

"You are lucky. We will be asked to do various things, while you get to take rest." muttered Bhishma to himself, which Karna heard.

" Tatshree..." called Kunti, when Karna left the room. He proceeded towards his own room, wondering where his brothers went?

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