32. Attack and Glory.

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What is of Supreme importance in war, is to attack your enemy's strategy!!

A huge army consisting of 2 Akshauhinis ( It's a battle formation consisting of 21,870 chariots,
21,870 elephants, 65,610 horses and 109,350 infantry.) was performing various battle

A lone female stood, in warrior uniform as she watched the proceedings.

" Putri! " called a booming voice.

" Pranipat Pitashree! " greeted Shikandini, as she took her father's blessings.
" Kalyan ho! What is the current status?" asked Drupad, the Maharaja of Panchal.
" The formation practice is going well! I believe we can use a few of those in the upcoming
war." said Shikandini.
Drupad hummed as he watched his army, go through various battle formations. 

" Use the Chakravyuh! " said Drupad after sometime.
" Pitashree? " asked Shikandini, a bit shocked.
" Is there a problem, putri?" said Drupad, looking back at his daughter.
" No at all, pitashree! The princes are not at all experienced and the only prince that has some experience, won't be fighting. I did not think using the most difficult battle formation, will be
necessary!" explained Shikandini, her point of view.

" You are not wrong. But I don't wish to lose to that Drona. So, I will teach him how this
revenge of his, is foolish. He and neither his students can beat me. You must use the Chakravyuh!" said Drupad, his tone final. Shikandini nodded, still a bit of indecisiveness shone through her face.

" But since those princes are still inexperienced, I won't kill them. Defeat them, injure them but
don't kill. Simply imprison them. I hope you are satisfied Shikandini." said Drupad, as he
sighed at his eldest soft heart. Shikandini smiled at her father pleased, and continued to train their warriors. There is still day time left after all.

Night fell, as the moon rose high above the sky. The stars twinkled prettily.

A huge clearing in a forested area can be seen, filled with tents. The two middle tents were
used by Karna and Drona. In one of the tents, both sat facing each other, discussing the
upcoming war.
" Who do you think will win?" asked Drona, curious about Karna's answer.
" It depends upon the strategy. Until the war starts, there is no decision regarding this question." replied Karna.
" Indeed! What is making me worry is that if Drupad uses the Chakravyuh, then everything
will go down the drain!" said Drona, his brow furrowed.
" You have not taught your students about the most dangerous vyuh?" asked Karna, raising his
" I have! But it is the matter of remembering the fact. I wish to also see who among my students
have taken all my teachings to heart. I can't help them, this is a matter of Guru Dakshina.
Though..." trailed of Drona, looking at Karna, an inquisitive look in his eyes.

" I won't help, until and unless they ask. They will have to take the initiative. I did promise!"
replied Karna, answering the unasked question.

Drona was about to reply with an answer when a dwarpal entered.
" Shama Kijiye Guru Dronacharya, Rajkumar, parantu Rajkumar Yuddhisthir aap dono se
milne ki anumati chahte hai! " spoke the dwarpal.

Drona looked at Karna, his eyes had amusement dancing in them. Karna simply smiled
impishly back at him.

" I have no idea what he wants." said Karna, in an absolutely innocent tone.

" Of course you don't!" replied Drona, his voice light and amused.
" Bhitar pravesh karne ki anumati hai! " said Drona to the waiting dwarpal. The dwarpal left to
inform the prince.

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