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In Swargalok:

[Characters: Indra dev (I), Devi Prithvi (P), Surya dev (SY), Vayu dev (V), Yama dev (Y), Shani dev (S), Agni dev (A), and Ashwini kumars (AK).]

A: [happy and smiling] My daughters are here! They are so beautiful, the most beautiful in the world. And so is my son. I have wonderful children!

P: [raising an eyebrow] Really, Agni dev? What about my daughter?

A: [gulping] Uh...your daughter is the most beautiful as well, Devi!

P: [satisfied] Good, good!! She is indeed! Such an adorable girl our Avni is!

S: [rolling his eyes] Yes, she is! Can we talk about something other than discussing their beauty?

Prithvi and Agni sighed but nodded in agreement.

Y: [chuckling] I find my son's behavior quite amusing! It was entertaining.

SY: [nodding] Yes, all five brothers were left speechless.

I: [protesting] My son Arjun, not Surya dev!! He had some witty comebacks for Draupadi. I'm proud of him.

A: [deceptively calm voice] Is that so? Are you suggesting my daughter was any less?

I: [speaking quickly] Of course not, Agni dev. Your daughter is amazing too.

Agni dev nodded, satisfied.

I: [in his mind] What an overprotective father!

SY: [murmurs] They're both just as bad as each other, so overprotective. And they had the audacity to call me overprotective!

S: Now, let's move on to discussing the swayamvar.

After the Swayamvar, in Swargalok:

The Gandharvas sang as the apsaras danced with joy.

V: [cheering] They won! I'm so relieved that Duryodhana didn't win. I was worried for a moment.

A: [relieved] Satya vachan, Vayu dev. I was worried for Vandita as well.

S: [smirking] Did you see Duryodhana's face? He was terrified when he saw my Aadhavan! I'm so proud of my younger brother. The execution was perfect.

Y, SY, and P: [raising their glasses] Cheers!

I: Drupad's face was simply comical!

V: Oh yes! He looked like he might evaporate from sheer happiness!

Surya dev wiped away a tear that had formed in his eye.

AK: Pitashree, are you alright?

SY: Yes, my children! What would happen to me?

S: [confused] Why are you crying?

SY: [sniffing] How can I not? My Aadhavan has grown up so much! He fulfilled his duties as the groom's father so well! I'm so proud!

Yama and Shani dev exchanged looks and muttered, "There's no hope for him!"

Y: Our children seemed happy, and that's all I could ask for. They successfully completed all the tasks.

SY & S: How could they not? My son/my younger brother was guiding them all the way!

P: So was my daughter!

AK: [raising their glasses] Hear, hear!

I & A: Agreed!

After the court scene: [Only Surya dev, Shani dev, Devi Prithvi, and Yama dev]

SY: That Dhritarashtra! What does he think of himself?

P: Forget about that ineffective king. I'm more concerned about Shakuni. How dare he speak ill of women? Has he forgotten from whom my daughter learned?

SY: Shani, my son, how are you so composed?

Yama looked at him, equally intrigued.

S: [sipping a glass of water] I'm proud of the way Aadhavan handled it. There's no need to raise our voices about it.

Y: Agreed. Our younger brother handled the situation admirably.

SY: Of course, he did. After all, he's my son.

Y: What's your take on Shakuni, bhrata Shani?

S: [smirking] Trouble. With his schemes, he's bound to land himself in significant trouble soon.

P: I'm not overly concerned. He is cursed, and all his plans will ultimately fail, one way or another.

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