59. Twelve Years By!

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Advika's POV:

Twelve years were coming to an end.

"Time waits for none!" These words have been something I have loved, dreaded, and yet looked forward to.

These years have been blissful, peaceful, and calm, in a sense. It had its own ups and downs, no doubt.

The children had all left for Dwarka for their education, exactly 7 years previously. I always kept count, waiting for the day to end, for another to start and to bring the days when we all will meet our entire family, our children closer. Arjun had gone to Indralok with Indra dev, continuously for 4 years. Though he came back at sunset every day. He had refused to stay there, when offered, even when Karna had told him to go and enjoy learning from them in Indralok.

Bheem had also met Hanuman, his older brother. We all have met him when Bheem brought him to meet us. I have been awed at the wise person he was! Of course, that prompted Nakul to make jokes, saying that, "Bhrata Bheem, do learn some calm qualities from him; he is snow compared to your volcano!" or "So, bhrata Bheem are you going to take Sanyas now? I mean think about bhabhishree Vandita and Mahesh and Ghatotkach!".

Of course, that prompted Vandita to cry, and it took Bheem a lot of time to mollify her. Then poor Nakul's ears had been twisted by Vandita, making them go red! All of them had been very amused at the scene.

The days spent with Bhavya, Jyoti, Gaurav, Devansh, Harshada, and Abhimanyu were a treasure for all of us.

I still remember the day Abhimanyu was born. I had to bite down my laughter at what happened that day. Poor kids! I am sure Kanha fed them their Kakashree's/Pitashree's specially cooked food. Abhimanyu arrived at the correct time, something that the males tease Arjun about a lot. Even Draupadi had looked relieved not having to eat that 'whatever her husband managed to create.' Those were her words! Very apt, I would say.

I loved the kids' prank on Kanha, though. Mata Kunti had spilled the beans on that when I had asked why Kanha was so eager to take his precious Parth's handmade food to Dwarka. Well, I have never laughed so hard.

It brings a grin to my face whenever I think of it! If only I was there to see it, it would have been a very precious memory. Even Yuddhisthir has laughed, while Devanshi's words were, "At least Virendra did not take after his too serious father. I am relieved and proud he took after me!"

Everyone had laughed at her words, while I believe I had seen a pout on Yuddhisthir's face. Though, of course, he changed his expression very soon, so no one caught that.

I still remember when Kanha had come to take the children away for their education. The solemn yet forlorn faces of my sisters as they watched their children go, but the children did visit from time to time. However, those days were few and far in between.

But now, such things won't be possible. The 13th year, our Incognito year, will begin in a few months. We have no plan yet, but we will have one soon. Karna did call for a family meeting in our hut. I entered the hut to find him sitting in the middle, his legs crossed in a meditative posture, his hands on his knees in a mudra, his eyes closed as he meditated.

I smiled as I sat down beside him, letting my mind wander again until everyone arrived. I am very sure that Shakuni and Duryodhan have spies around our ashram, making sure that they know every tidbit of information about us. After all, if they manage to find us in the coming year, then they will get our immense wealth and the Kingdom as well.

I am also sure Duryodhan is hungry for war. I had promised that it won't come to that. I intend to keep the promise.

A fight between the cousins is inevitable, but... for that, a war is not necessary. I won't let innocent blood fall. Shakuni is not the only one who knows how to play the political game.

Kanha had once said, "The boons are like a promise, which has no bounds. The one who is asking can ask for the giver's head, and the giver is bound to give."

"Priye," his voice brought my mind out of my thoughts. I gave a small smile to him as I looked around. Draupadi and Arjun, Devanshi and Yuddhisthir sat in front of me, with Yuddhisthir opposite of Karna. Bheem and Vandita, Nakul and Kalyani, Sahadev and Vritika sat beside me, completing the circle.

Everyone was present.

"Jyesht, I believe this meeting is about the upcoming year?" asked Yuddhisthir.

"Yes. The Incognito year," replied Karna, his brows furrowed.

"What do you suggest, Jyesht?" asked Arjun, looking at him.

"Hmm... I was thinking Matsya Desh," replied Karna, looking back at all of them. "It is a small Kingdom, but influential to an extent. Not too noticeable but not inconsequential either. A perfect place to spend our last year," added Devanshi, sharing a look with Yuddhisthir, both nodding their consent.

"Well, the place is selected, what about our disguise?" asked Vandita, speaking thoughtfully.

"Something that comes naturally to us will be perfect," said Vritika, her eyes bright. I smiled. "Agreed," I replied softly.

"But won't it make us easier to find?" asked Nakul, a bit of doubt present in his voice.

"No. Everyone will think we are disguising as something that does not connect to us. They would overlook the areas in which we were proficient," replied Karna. I nodded along, very much aware of how my dearest husband can sense my thoughts most of the time.

"Understood, Jyesht. But all of us can't be in Matsya Desh, right?" asked Kalyani, her eyes shrewd.

"No, we can be. There is no need to worry," said Karna, his eyes calculative.

"What of the spies?" I asked.

"Spies, bhabhishree?" asked Arjun and Sahadev together. All of them looked at me shocked, except Karna and Yuddhisthir, who merely looked thoughtful.

"Yes, spies of Duryodhan and his allies. I am sure there are spies following us if we go out of the ashram," I replied.

"If that's the case, then we can simply eliminate them!" said Bheem, his eyes filled with fire.

I nodded negatively, "No, Bheem, that will be detrimental."

"We will have to separate," said Karna, all of a sudden, shocking us into silence.

My eyes were wide before the idea dawned on me.

"Separate? Jyesht, what do you mean?" asked Nakul, shocked.

"I agree with Jyesht. It would be the best course of action to separate and meet at Matsya Desh at a certain location at a certain time," Sahadev said, his gaze calculative, while Karna nodded in agreement.

"We have to separate?" asked Bheem in a small voice.

"Yes, anuj. We will separate in pairs, lead the spies on a merry chase, and then ditch them somewhere we aren't even going to stay," said Karna, his voice firm.

"This will also feed false information to Hastinapur and the entire Aryavart," said Yuddhisthir, his smile a bit sad.

"We can plant various trails all in different directions," said Arjun, his brows furrowed.

"Yes, but plant some towards Matsya Desh too. Otherwise, it would be problematic in the long run. By the time they realize, we will be under disguises anyway," I added.

All of them nodded.

"That's it then, huh?" said Draupadi, speaking for the first time. I had noticed how quiet she had been.

"It's just for a few months, little sister. Time will pass swiftly, you will see," said Devanshi, as she squeezed her hand. I gave a sad smile.

"We have a few months before the 13th year starts. We have to leave within these weeks, but one by one. We shall meet in the forest surrounding Matsya Desh, in our disguises," decreed Karna, a sigh leaving him.

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