26. Solutions.

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The solution is always within the problem. You just have to look carefully.

Karna felt his blood turn to ice. He felt huge amount of anger for that grandmother of hers. Jealousy surged through his senses, no men would come near his Advika. He have been feeling something for Advika, for the past couple of days. He had finally managed to distinguish between the love for a friend and the romantic love for a partner. Only for him to find that her dearest grandmother had arranged an alliance with someone else. A marriage she wants to get out off.

Why did she not write a letter to him? He would have helped too.

'You were the one who shouted at her in the morning, you idiot! Obviously, she did not want to write a letter to you. She is probably angry and hurt!" said his heart. His mind was blissfully silent, in response. They would help her out, and he would apologize. And perhaps then he can say what's in his heart. But first, they needed to get her out of there. But how? His brain was not working now.

Kunti has been left shocked. What was going on? Advika was going to get married, that also this soon? Her letter said she did not wish to be married at all.Then why were her family forcing her? Surely, if she says no, her decision will be respected? She had heard so much about her from her eldest, that it felt like as if she had known Advika for long. She looked at Karna, to find his ashen face and lost eyes. She had known and understood, when her son had spoken about Advika, so softly and adoringly, that he loves her. But she also knew, that her son and neither Advika had fully realized it, yet. It seems he had finally understood his own feelings.

Yuddhisthir was shaken. Why was someone forced to get married, against her will? That is not Dharma. They way jiji has spoken in the letter, it seems that her brother is against this marriage, as well as herself. How can they solve this situation? Bhima was worried. His Advika jiji is being forced against her will? That also by someone who is not only elder to her, but also family? Yes..family can be evil sometimes, thought Bhima, as he remembered about Shakuni and Duryodhan. He will help his jiji in any way he can!

Arjun looked at Karna and then at Krishna, wondering what these two were thinking so deeply. While his jyesht looked like hell had somehow come on earth, Madhav looked like he was  working through a big puzzle. He sighed. He will help Advika jiji, of course. That was not even a question.

'Jiji is supposed to become my bhabhishree! His jyesht's wife! Not some over confident fellow's!' thought Nakul. How was he supposed to win the favourite devar competition, when she is getting stuck in a marriage not meant for her? Nope, he wont let that happen. He had to save his future bhabhishree.

Sahadev looked like he had eaten the food, that he absolutely hated. He simply shook his head, thinking that this family members of Advika jiji had no idea, what was about to hit them! He truly pitied them. His jyesht wont let them live.

Balrama was furious. His sister was being forced! Who dares go against his darling sister's wishes?

Krishna was laughing on the inside at the letter. Mayuri sure knew how to be dramatic. He knew the situation was serious, but this way his jyesht will manage to settle his life. His smile turned mischievous as he started scheming about these two's love life. Someone has to play the cupid here! It's a tough job, after all!

"I don't understand why her wishes are not being respected!" said Kunti, a frown on her beautiful face.

"In normal citizen life, most girls are not asked their opinions, devi. They are told to get married. Their choice was never given any precedence. The right of Swayamvar is only with the royals.Perhaps some of the rich people give their daughter's choice a preference, but most don't.

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