54. Aftermath!

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"Is that so?" said a smirking Advika. She went forward, her gait slow yet dangerous. Her lips pulled into a smirk.

"Putri? What is it?" asked Bhishma, slowly, hoping there is a way to help his favorite nephews.

Advika turned towards Bhishma and gave a small genuine nod before walking towards Shakuni.

"Haven't someone taught you Gandhar Raj that too much of anything is harmful?" said Advika as she circled around Shakuni, making him even more worried.

Shakuni gulped, wondering what this woman wanted.

Advika held out her palm upward, speaking, "Your dice!"

"I am not giving my dice to anyone! How dare you ask something of me!" yelled a very pale Shakuni.

Advika simply smirked before turning to Bhishma, who nodded. Bhishma stepped down from his throne as he walked towards them. No one was idiot enough to challenge him or stop him. Not even Duryodhan. He may be greedy and lustful for power, but he was not foolish. An enraged Bhishma was a dangerous Bhishma. He may have his vows that made him a mere servant for the person who sat on the throne of Hastinapur, but that does not mean he was not dangerous when provoked.

Bhishma took the beautiful dice from Shakuni and held it for Advika to see. The dice made Advika very uncomfortable at its aura.

"Pitamaha, please throw the dice upwards," said Advika as she held the encrusted dagger in her hand.

Bhishma looked confused but did as she asked. Advika threw her dagger upwards as well, when the dice was falling. The dice was cut into two pieces as it fell on the carpeted floor. Everyone's eyes widened at what she did, while Shakuni gulped and paled rapidly, knowing what will happen next. Bhishma looked at the dice shocked as the two pieces, as if having a magnetized attraction, joined with ease, making the dice as it was before. Duryodhana paled as well. Everyone who had seen it was very shocked.

"This was foul play. He had cheated! How dare he?" yelled Yuyutsu, his eyes wide.

"I hope you get what had happened, Pitamaha!" said Advika, not a hint of a smile on her face, but a pleased glint in her eyes.

"Yes, I very well understood! But how is this dice magical?" asked Bhishma, his eyes hard, but with a curious glint in them.

"This dice is created through black magic. It is made from the bones of Shakuni's father. Therefore, this dice listens only to Shakuni. The game was won before it even began, by foul means," answered Advika, as she turned to Shakuni.

A gasp and a sob of denial could be heard from Gandhari in the balcony. Bhanumati had tears streaming down her cheeks as she held onto her mother-in-law. Kunti looked furious.

"Tatshree, I demand that whatever was lost be restored to my sons immediately!" demanded Kunti, her eyes furious.

"Oh, I will, Putri Kunti," said Bhishma, his eyes on Duryodhana.

Duryodhana said nothing, looking pale, and he averted his eyes when they met Bhishma's glacial glare.

"Ask for anything, Putri. I will fulfill your wish!" said Dhritarashtra, trying to regain any respect he obviously had lost.

Advika's gaze settled on him.

"Please do not call me Putri and then insult me again. If you wish to fulfill my wishes, then I will ask for two boons. One boon is that you will free my husband and his brothers from slavery. I will ask for the second boon later in my life!" said Advika, her voice hard.

"Of course, Putri... I mean Samragyi. They are freed, they are freed. You can ask for the boon whenever you want, and I will fulfill it," said Dhritarashtra hurriedly.

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