36. Dushala's Choice!

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Let the instincts guide you, they will help you to choose the correct person.

The Raj Vaidji arrived quickly after a few moments. Shakuni was taken to his room, and all of
the family members waited outside.

Karna, Yuddhisthir, Bhima, Arjun, Nakul and Sahadev were standing a bit away from where
Duryodhan was pacing. Dushasan leaned against a pillar. Maharaja Dhritarashtra stood along
with Bhishma. Maharani Gandhari was very anxious regarding her brother, so Kunti, Advika and Dushala were speaking with her softly.
The Rajvaidji came out of the chamber just then.
" Rajvaidji, Is my mamashree alright?" asked Duryodhan, a bit lost without the constant
presence of his uncle. All looked towards the healer, waiting for the verdict.
" Rajkumar, Gandhar raj thik hai. It seems he may have drank something that made him see
hallucinations. I have never seen something like this!" said the Rajvaidji.
" Hallucinations?" asked Bhishma, confused.
" Yes, Mahamahim, Hallucinations. I have sedated him. By this evening the concoction will
leave his body!" said Rajvaidji, his palms joined in the gesture of greeting. Mahamahim nodded, as the healer left, his work completed. Duryodhan immediately went inside the room, followed by Gandhari, Kunti, Dushala and Maharaja Dhritarashtra. Bhishma, Advika and the six brothers remained behind in the hallway.

" You seven won't go in?" asked Bhishma, looking at them.
" You are not going in as well, Pitamaha! " replied Karna, with a smile.

Bhishma chuckled as he smiled fondly.

" It's better I don't go in." said Bhishma, his eyes twinkling.
" It's better we don't go in as well!" replied Karna, with a small smile.

The Sun had set a few hours back. Night sky was dominated by various twinkling stars as the
moon played hide and seek among the clouds, floating by. Karna, Advika, Yuddhisthir, Bhima, Arjun, Nakul and Sahadev sat in Karna's room. The doors of the chamber was closed, and no one was allowed to come in, except if Kunti came.

" Jyesht, shigra wo patra leke ayiye hume dekhna hai! " said Arjun, his gaze curious.

" Haa haa ruko! " said Karna, as he got up to get the letter that came alongside the Concoction.
" Read it aloud Arya! " said Advika, her voice excited.
All of them leaned to hear, as Karna opened the scroll to read aloud.

Dear Troublemakers,

This letter is from one troublemaker to another! So there is nothing to be suspicious.

I believe you are curious about the hallucination concoction. Let me tell you, that was no ordinary thing. It was a mixture of herbs and maya ( illusions). It is not harmful, can be funny
yet it is not.

When one speaks under it's influence, it comes off as nonsensical talks, but it is not. Every
single thing that the person speaks in it's influence, has meanings. It shows what the person
thinks about various people. How ? I will let you figure it out!

I hope you will get my hint!

Best of luck in you work!


" Madhav ka ye patra vichitra hai! " said Arjun, his eyebrows raising.
" Haa, Vichitra to hai! " agreed Yuddhisthir, a thoughtful look on his face.

Karna furrowed his eyebrows while Advika's eyes widened.

" What do you think he was talking about jyesht? " asked Sahadev, curious.

" I don't know, anuj! I did inform Vasudev about the attack on Advika, and he sent the
concoction saying it will help in whatever we have planned. He also mentioned not to read this
letter until we all have encountered the person on whom we are using this mixture!" explained
Karna, his brows furrowed deeper at the thought .

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