34. A New Start.

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The end always paves path for a new beginning.

" The plan is good, Jyesht. But do we need to wait, for a week?" asked Bhima, his face a bit
sad. Yuddhisthir, Karna, Bhima, Arjun, Nakul and Sahadev were all sitting and finalizing their plans for their dearest Shakuni mamashree.

" Yes Bhima. It's a requirement. We need to drag him into a fall sense of security." said Karna,
his voice soft.
" Secondly, we do have work to do this week, bhrata Bhima!" pointed out Arjun, a mischievous
smirk on his face.
" True!" acquiesced Bhima, finally. A glint was present in his eyes.
" But Jyesht, your abhishek is tomorrow. Should we do this after you become Yuvraja? Should
we not use the plan today itself?" asked Yuddhisthir, a bit worried.
" Don't worry so much Yuddhisthir. Everything will be fine. I won't change because I become
an Yuvraja. And no one would think that the Yuvraja would even do something like this. It's
better to do it after the Yuvraja Abhishek." assured Karna, a sly smile on his face. Yuddhisthir nodded assured.
" Jyesht, tell us the final time. What is our work, for this week?" asked Nakul, while Sahadev
slapped his forehead.
" You asked that for the third time Nakul/ bhrata!" said Sahadev and Arjun simultaneously. Nakul pouted at them.
" I am repeating, but this is the final time, alright?" said Karna, his smile soft.
Nakul nodded happily, while Bhima and Yuddhisthir was amused and Sahadev, Arjun shook
their heads. " Yuddhisthir, your duty is to keep the elders busy, especially mata. Bhima you will keep an eye on Duryodhan, he must stay away from Shakuni. Make him unconscious if you must. Arjun, I need you to get the information from Pitamaha and Kaka Vidur. Nakul, you will make sure all the things we will need, is acquired within the week. Sahadev, you need to scope out his
Chamber. Be careful everyone, no one should have any idea. Behave normally all the time.
Keep the suspicion away. Have tight alibis. Alright?" explained Karna, the final time.
" But jyesht, everyone has work. What will you do, then?" asked Nakul, scratching his head.

Arjun slapped the back of his head.
" He can't do anything, murkh! Bhul gaye kya, kal Yuvraja Abhishek hai. He will be busy with
court works. That's why he asked us to do the jobs. He will help us when he can, without
rousing suspicion." said Arjun, absolutely exasperated at his little brother.
" I now understand why you asked the same question thrice. Dhyaan nehi de rahe te aap, bhrata!
Kaha kho gaye the? " asked Sahadev, his eyebrow raised.
" Nidra mei! It's late, I am going to sleep. Subhratri! " said Nakul, stifling a yawn, while he
walked out of the room.
" Iska kuch nehi ho sakta! " muttered Arjun, before every brothers left for their own chambers.

The moon shone brightly. It's rays gentle and calming, spreading light amidst the darkness.

A soft smile played on her lips, as she smiled absentmindedly. She was wearing her night
clothes. A simple white lahenga. The uttariya hung from her shoulder like a waterfall. It's
simple texture, pure and untainted. Her black locks swayed gently, alongside the invisible wind.
Her kohl lined doe eyes was glinting with happiness as she watched the owl fly freely in the
night sky. Her bangles made soft noises as she moved her arms to rest on the railing of the
balcony. Her anklets created music, as they were disturbed. Her soft cheeks, rested on her
forearms, as she watched the night sky, filled with glinting stars, and of course, the beauty of
the moon.

" The sky sure looks beautiful, today." said a husky voice from behind her.
She turned around quickly, as her lips spread into a bright smile.
" Aa gaye? I thought you would spend the night with your brothers." said she, her voice
melodious and soft.

A chuckle broke through the air.
" Well, not a bad idea. Perhaps, I should go. I am sure Arjun would not mind sharing, or
Yuddhisthir." said he, as he turned to leave.
A feminine hand held his forearm, stopping him from leaving.
" You are a very bad person." said Advika, her lips in a very unhappy frown.
" Acha? Kya kiya hai humne? " asked Karna, as he took her hand in his, bringing her to sit on
the swing that was placed in their bedroom.
" You did not tell me, what you were planning. How could you?" asked Advika, her brown
Karna turned towards her.
" Advika, you and I both know, why I can't tell you now. After the work is done, I promise to
sit and tell you the entire thing. Mera vaada raha." said Karna, as he intertwined their fingers.
" Okay, at least tell me something I can help with." asked Advika, as she leaned on him. Her
head placed on his shoulder.
" Hmm...how about you help Yuddhisthir with keeping the elders busy?" said Karna, as he
placed his head on top of her.
"Okay, when will this revenge be?" asked Advika again, as she played with his fingers.
" A week from today. Can I ask something, priye? " asked Karna, as he lifted his head, from
on top of hers.
Advika hummed in response as she also looked at him. Both turned towards each other.
" You could have used your powers to stop the attackers from fleeing, but you did not, why?"
asked Karna, his eyes held worry.

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