55. Start of a new chapter.

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The news of the Dyut Sabha had spread throughout the entire city of Hastinapur. No one was pleased with what had happened within the sabha. A simple game between family members had escalated into something sinister. All the citizens who loved the six brothers and their family cursed the cunning Shakuni, along with Dhritarashtra for letting it happen, and even Duryodhan. They were, however, pleased with the punishment given to Dusshasan and Shakuni. They chanted the praises of Advika.

All 13 of them left the palace on foot. Every single citizen kneeled on their knees with their heads bowed as they passed. None of the males left their wives' side, with Kunti in the middle, until they left the borders of Hastinapur and entered into the familiar territory of Indraprastha.

"Rukiye!" halted Advika, her eyes having a layer of tears, refusing to spill. She was exhausted, mentally and physically.

Everyone stopped immediately. The females were still in shock. Advika herself was running on adrenaline. The males were also in a daze. Kunti herself looked tired and slumped.

"Advika?" asked Karna, looking at her. Adrenaline seeping through his pores, his muscles as taut as a string. He was still in his furious, protective mode. His mind had not left the Dyut Sabha yet. It was still stuck there.

"Arya, perhaps we should rest here a bit," said Advika, her tone tired.

"Why?" asked Arjun immediately, with a bit of attitude. He was feeling rather vulnerable after what happened.

"Sorry, bhabhishree," said Arjun just as immediately when it dawned on him how he had spoken to his bhabhishree. His head bowed.

A pair of hands lifted his head and cupped his face gently. The kohl-lined eyes of Advika looked at him with immense care and love.

"It's alright, little brother. All of us are disturbed. The news of this Dyut Sabha must have reached Indraprastha by now. Our children will be worried as it is; if they see us broken, they will break down as well. We cannot break down in front of them. And Draupadi needs a bit of rest too. It is not good for the baby, after the mental stress she went through today," explained Advika gently.

Arjun nodded, not feeling like smiling. Gratefulness shone in his eyes. Advika smiled gently in response.

"She is right, putro. Let us rest a while," said Kunti as she moved towards the nearby river.

Arjun gently picked up Draupadi in his arms. It was proof of how tired and stressed she was that she did not even say a word at the action, simply resting her head on his shoulders and letting him carry her. Yuddhisthir, Bhima, Nakul, and Sahadev wrapped their arms around their respective wives, steering them towards the river, following their mother. None spoke a word. They simply followed, like mindless sheep following instructions.

Advika went to follow them, but a hand on her forearm stopped her. She looked up to see deep charcoal eyes looking at her.

"Are you alright? If you hadn't come..then...our sisters..." trailed off Karna, his face pale at the mere thought of such humiliation and travesty.

Advika's eyes hardened at the mere thought. "I promised Arya. How could I not come? You called me, did you not?"

"I did. I am glad you heard, and you came at the right moment," said Karna, tugging her in for a hug, his face hidden in her neck as her hands wrapped around his torso.

"Let us go after them. We will speak at night. The day isn't over yet, my love. We, as the eldest, have to be their rock and pillar, on whom everyone can lean," whispered Advika after she broke the hug.

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