25. Oh no! A problem.

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React according to the situation.

Advika was so into her own mind that she did not notice where she was going. She was about to fall, when a hand steadied her.

"Jiji, sambhalke! You could have fallen and got hurt!" said a male voice. Advika blinked and saw the male. Her little brother.

"Avinash? What are you doing here?" asked Advika confused. She looked at her surroundings to see she had not went very far from the palace yet.

"I was waiting for you! By the way, what were you doing in the palace?" asked Avinash, curiously.

" I will tell you later. First tell me, why does Pitamahi suddenly wanted to speak with me?" asked Advika, a bit worried.

"Pata nehi! Maa is very worried. She does not trust Pitamahi, at all!" replied Avinash, a frown on his face.

"I see! Anyway, how are you?" asked Advika, smiling slightly at her brother.

"I am good. Gurukul is completed, Pitashree wants me to join his work!" said Avinash, making a face. Advika laughed.

"What do you want to do?" asked Advika curious about her little brother's choice.

"Promise me you wont discredit it!" asked Avinash seriously.

"Why will I? Go ahead, tell me!" said Advika.

" I want to be a merchant! But Pitashree wont have it! He tells me it's your fault, apparently." said Avinash, rolling his eyes.

"I was not even there when you were growing up! How could it be my fault?" asked Advika, disbelief covering her voice.

"I have no idea. Pitashree hardly makes any sense! Maa did tell me about your and Bhrata Karna's friendship. And how you both went away to learn from revered sages!" said Avinash happily. He did not notice how his elder sister clenched her jaw at Karna's name.

Advika had managed to forget Karna's name for a few moments, but her little brother managed to remind her. Seriously, she still felt hurt by his accusations and what was he even talking about? Who knows what that idiot man managed to think up, now? She was hurt but she was angry too. He did not even let her say a word! He can get lost for a while! Advika will deal with that absolutely handsome, radiant...No! No!

'Stop! Advika, stop thinking about him! He is an idiot! That exactly who he is ! An Idiot! Not Handsome, and definitely not radiant!' thought Advika to herself.

"Uff! I will deal with you later, Karna. Now, get out of my mind." murmured Advika to herself or rather to her mind.

"Did you say something Jiji?" asked Avinash, who could hear his sister muttering, but could not the words at all.

"Nehi to, maine kuch nehi kaha! " denied Advika immediately.

"By the way, you did not answer my previous question!" said Avinash, looking at his sister.

"What? Oh yes! I was there with Karna. Don't tell this to anyone, but Karna is the Yuvraja of Hastinapur. The eldest son of Late Maharaja Pandu and Rajmata Kunti." said Advika, in a whisper.

"What?! " yelled Avinash. The people looked at them. Advika glared at him, and dragged him by the hand.

"Maun..Don't you dare say anything about it to anyone! If you utter a word, I will hunt you down. Brother or no brother! Samajh me aya tumhe? " asked Advika, her face stern and serious. Avinash nodded back. They started to walk again.

"Ab? " asked Avinash curiously, after a moment of silence.

"Ab kya? " said Advika, raising an eyebrow.

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