6. Of Closures & Beginnings

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Closure is such a beautiful thing, not because it helps to fully end one chapter but because it marks the real beginning of a new one.

Author's POV

It has been two years.

A very busy and long years.

While Karna and Advika's friendship has strengthened, not everything was good or happy. Karna in these years had approached many Gurukula's in Hastinapura to learn archery, but he had been insulted and rejected every time. Advika had soothed his dejection with her calm words and told him not to give up, to try again. Thankfully, he had calmed and continued to practice on his own, till he could get a teacher. On the other hand, Advika's mother had given birth to a little boy. Her father had been ecstatic and taken to spent his free time with him. This turn of the events led to her family members less supervision. Therefore, it had allowed her to meet with Karna frequently and sort through whatever left of her previous memories, which were fading rapidly. Advika also spent her time learning whatever scriptures she could get her hand on. Her mother managed to sneak away scriptures and various books about geography and philosophy when she saw her daughter's interest. This was all done without letting anyone know about her studies. Her mother had noticed her sneaking away once, though she was not asked anything, she would always give Advika a secretive smile.

While, Advika and Karna friendship was growing steadily. There had been various close calls where they could have gotten caught but by God's grace they had escaped skillfully. In the end, both had decided, they needed a new meeting place, where no one can catch them.

Many changes took place, not only in their lives but also in the lives of the Royals of Hastinapura. Maharaja Pandu along with Maharani Kunti and Rani Madri had left for the forest, a year back. The people of Hastinapura had protested to the decision of their beloved King, but Maharaja Pandu had been adamant. These also had the side- effect of crisis regarding the throne. In the end, Rajmata Satyavati along with the Mahamahim Bhishma, had decided to crown the elder Prince Dritharashtra, the Maharaja of Hastinapura. Princess Gandhari became the next Maharani. Mahamahim Bhishma and Mahamantri Vidura will counsel him in various matters and help run the kingdom, until an heir was born.

After all these political changes, the elder three queens Rajmata Satyavati, Rajmata Ambika and Rajmata Ambalika left for vanvaas.

Now the reign of Maharaja Dritharashtra would complete a year in the next few days. Therefore, various preparations were going on to celebrate. While everyone was happy...two people in Hastinapura did not care about these matters and stayed away from the preparations of celebration. Advika was a bit uneasy, as she stood in front of a huge kadai (a huge cooking vessel, thick and circular) making repetitive motion with the huge serving spoon in the thick curry.

She was so engrossed in her thoughts that she did not hear her mother's footsteps behind her.

"Putri? What is the matter? Why are you so absent minded today?" Advika's mother questioned. The mentioned daughter jumped a foot in the air and the ladle fell from her hands.

Her mother laughed at her daughter's startled face, which was scowling currently at her mother. The noise had attracted the attention of the eldest lady of the house - Advika's Pitamahi (paternal grandmother), Sunaina.

She came inside the Rasoi ghar(kitchen) and looked at the mess on the floor, due to the ladle falling on the floor. A scowl appeared on her face.

She spoke in with a snide voice, "Lagta hai bahurani, tumne apni putri ko kuch nehi sikhaya hai thik se. (It seems daughter-in-law, you have not taught anything to your daughter properly.) Even if you had, she probably did not learn properly. As it is, my putra will have to waste money and valuables on her future marriage, now she is wasting even the food."

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