46. The Divine Bows!

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A bow is a powerful and perfect long-distance weapon. When properly trained, it allows its arrows to hit the mark with precision and concentration. This is a valuable lesson in how to approach your goals—employing precision and focus.

After the declaration of the new territory given to the sons of Pandu, they took leave from the court following Karna's coronation as the King of both Khandavprastha and Kurukshetra. All six sons, along with their wives, gathered in Kunti's room.

"Mother!" they called out together, their expressions filled with distress. Nakul and Sahadev had tears in their eyes, while Arjun and Bhima looked on the verge of sobbing. Yuddhisthir wore a distraught expression with red eyes, and Karna's face reflected deep distress.

Advika gulped as tears welled up in her eyes. Devanshi clutched her Bhabhishree's hand tightly. Vandita and Draupadi held hands, their lips trembling, and their eyes appeared distant. Kalyani and Vritika openly cried.

"Sons! You cannot break down like this. Remember, you are my warriors, undefeated when you stand together. I made this decision for your sake," Kunti said, her eyes red but her voice steady.

"Mother, you know we won't be happy with you staying back. Why did you agree?" Nakul asked, his voice soft.

"Yes, Mother, please answer us. What could be more important than us?" Yuddhisthir's voice was gentle but unsteady.

Karna stood in front of her, his gaze heavy and penetrating. Arjun, Bhima, and Nakul had their heads on her lap, while Yuddhisthir and Sahadev rested their heads on her shoulders. Kunti looked at her eldest son, her gaze sweeping over all her children's faces and expressions, as her hands lovingly caressed their hair.

"Sons, I'm staying back because someone needs to be the ambassador representing you to the people of Hastinapur. With all of you leaving, I'll continue to remind them of your presence and your might. I'm certain that after your departure, Gandhar Raj will do his best to erase your names and influence from the public's memory. With my presence here, they won't forget you and the injustice that has been done to you," Kunti explained, a soft but sad smile on her lips.

"Mother, are you doing this because of court politics?" Karna asked, disbelief evident in his voice.

"Yes and no, my son. Yes, it's related to court politics, but it's also about wanting my sons to become independent. I want no one to doubt your capabilities. If I had refused, Jyesht Bhratashree and Gandhar Raj might have manipulated the situation to tarnish your reputation. I'd rather not deal with that. Go and spread your names to every corner of Aryavart. My blessings are always with each one of you. I know you'll find a way to bring me there with full rights," Kunti explained, sharing her perspective.

"As you command, Mother," Karna replied, touching her feet in a gesture of respect.

Kunti cupped his face and kissed his forehead, repeating the loving gesture with each of her sons.

"Sons, in all situations, stay together. You are the pillars of this family. If one of you breaks, the entire foundation of the family will crumble," Kunti advised before turning her attention to her daughters-in-law.

"Advika, my dear, I know I'm asking a lot from you. Until now, it was me who held this family together. Now, I'm entrusting this responsibility to you. Please take care of the household and its people," Kunti said with a soft smile. She went to a small cupboard and retrieved a bunch of keys.

"I'm giving these to you, my child. Take care of them," she said, handing the keys to Advika.

"Maa, I will do my best," replied Advika, her voice trembling.

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