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Location: Indralok (Swarglok), after the events of Lakshagriha and the temple visit.

Indra Dev (I) paced anxiously, with a deep frown etched on Vayu Dev's (V) face by his side. A radiant glow heralded the arrival of two divine figures, Surya Dev and Yama Dev.

I: Finally, you both have arrived! Do you have any idea how long I've been waiting?

S: Why all this worry? What's happened? Yama observed the scene with a puzzled expression.

I: What's happened? What kind of father are you? Were you even aware that my son was ensnared in a perilous palace made of wax?

S: [annoyed] My son is more than capable of looking after himself! All my children are remarkably self-reliant. I don't need to babysit them. Is this the reason for summoning us here?

I: [worry turning to anger] Listen, Surya, my dear brother, my son is just as capable as yours. But as a parent, I can't help but worry. If you don't care, then you're free to leave!

Surya Dev huffed, muttering to himself.

S: [murmuring] Spoiled brat! Why does Mother Aditi always favor him? Right, he is the youngest of the eight Adityas.

Yama Dev stifled a chuckle.

I: Did you say something?

S: No, not at all. What could I possibly say? [grinning sheepishly]

Indra sensed something amiss but decided to let it go; after all, the well-being of his son took precedence over Surya Dev's chatter.

Yama, intrigued, questioned the situation.

Y: "What exactly happened, Indra Kaka? Could you please enlighten us?"

Indra, glad that someone was interested, began his narration.

I: "Of course, Yama. Let me explain what occurred..." He detailed the entire ordeal, his concern palpable.

Yama furrowed his brows, expressing his own unease.

S: "Now, don't start fretting! They'll be alright."

Y and I: "How can you be so sure, Father/Brother?"

Before Surya Dev could respond, Vayu Dev interjected.

V: "Oh, Agni, you're just in time. Tell us, what's the latest? Are they safe?"

Agni Dev (A) entered cheerfully, whistling a tune.

A: "Yes, Vayu, everything is fine. What's going on?"

Indra slapped his forehead in exasperation.

I: "Oh, my goodness! Agni, the Trinity help us! Did you check on our children as we asked you to?"

The Ashwini Kumars (AK) and Prithvi (P) made their entrance into Indralok.

AK: "No, he didn't. We went instead. Agni had other duties."

Yama inquired impatiently.

Y: "Well, what did you find out?"

Surya Dev cast an "I told you so" look at Indra, who chose to ignore it.

V: "Devtao and Devio, tell us, what did Agni discover?"

All heads turned towards Agni Dev, who was sitting with a dreamy smile on his face.

Surya Dev called out urgently.

S: "Agni! Agni! AGNI DEV!"

Startled, Agni Dev toppled off his chair.

A: "Surya, there's no need to shout. What's going on?"

Indra inquired.

I: "Weren't you just lost in thought a moment ago? Why the big smile?"

Agni Dev happily replied.

A: "I'm in love."

Everyone responded in unison.

All: "What?"

Surya Dev, recovering from the shock, questioned him.

S: "In love with whom?"

Agni Dev revealed his infatuation.

A: "With Avni, the Niyatinandini's daughter... Oh, and she's..."

Before he could finish, Prithvi and Surya interrupted.

P & S: "What?!"

Surya added a stern warning.


Prithvi chimed in.

P: "Yes, or you can deal with the wrath of Mahadev. Remember, she's his daughter too. Let's not forget about Mata Parvati."

Agni, puzzled, responded.

A: "Why would Mahadev and Mata Parvati be angry with me?"

Surya clarified with frustration.

S: "Because you suddenly claimed to be in love with Avni/Advika, my daughter-in-law!"

Agni, still confused, questioned.

A: "Who told you that, my dear brother?"

Indra, Yama, the Ashwini Kumars, and Vayu were enjoying the spectacle.

Surya accused him.

S: "You did! Who else, you idiot?"

Agni, blinking in bewilderment, repeated himself.

A: "I'm in love with Niyatinandini's idea, not her. Why would I fall in love with her? She's like my daughter, and I definitely don't want Mahadev after me."

The Ashwini Kumars, curious, asked.

AK: "What idea are you talking about, Kakashree Agni?"

Agni Dev, enthusiastic, explained.

A: "She gave me an incredible solution to a problem. You'll find out soon, my children. Keep an eye on Prithvilok. The time is near."

Prithvi, who had been listening, decided to play a prank on Agni Dev.

P: "By the way, Yama Dev, Indra Dev, Vayu Dev, and Ashwini Kumaro, be prepared to welcome new daughters-in-law. I heard a Brahmin priest wishes to marry his two daughters to any of YOUR SONS."

The mentioned deities tried to stifle their laughter as Agni Dev turned red.

A: [yelling] "What?! They can't marry anyone other than my daughters! I won't allow it!"

Laughter echoed throughout the scene.

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